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Everything posted by lightning116

  1. I'm contemplating whether to go all-out and get Super Smash Bros w/GameCube controller adaptor or go short instead with The Wonderful 101. I guess I'll go with the latter. Playing some of my older WWE games, preparing a series of videos to upload them on Saturday only this month.
  2. I actually played the demo of the Nathan Drake collection the other day, I've never played the Uncharted series before. It's one of the best Sony exclusives in the past decade. Definitely give all 4 games (5 if you count that one PSP game) a try.
  3. Axiom Verge. It's like Super Metroid, only 8-bit.
  4. Rise Of The Tomb Raider Uncharted 4: Survival Mode (loads of fun) Mega Man Legacy Collection (beat Mega Man 1) Shadow Complex Remastered inFamous: Second Son Mario Kart 8 Super Mario World Super Mario Maker Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero Hyrule Warriors WWE 2K17 WWE 2K16 WWE 2K14 Blood Stone 007 All throughout both the Christmas weekend and now the New Year's weekend. Plus comics and Blu-Ray movies that I'm gonna storm through. Yeah, I had a good Christmas this year.
  5. inFamous: Second Son. Good run now. The protagonist is a bit better as a hero, but he still sucks.
  6. inFamous: Second Son; evil run. Not digging the new protagonist. Also contemplating what game to get using the, amazingly, 160 dollar store credit I have before year's end.
  7. Super Mario Bros. 3. It's still awesome. Onward to Super Mario World.
  8. Super Mario Bros. 2 (the Doki Doki Panic edition). Onward to Super Mario Bros. 3 Oh man, I cannot wait.
  9. 10 Super Mario games that I intend on making a top 10 video on YouTube in the near future. I've already played the very first game and now I'm gonna record the second one that's not as appreciated as much.
  10. My PS3 is about to die on me. Looking to get a new one, stat.

  11. No PS3 games for a month now that it's almost dead. So I'll look for something on my Wii U to play for now.
  12. Well, back to WWE '13. I did say on the YouTube thread that I was working on something with my channel on the WWE games.
  13. I still need to beat the first Revelations, but a certain part of the game turned me off so badly. Really? What part? I actually haven't played Revelations 1 yet.
  14. I still need to beat the first Revelations, but a certain part of the game turned me off so badly.
  15. Uh, separately? By removing one game and then putting in the other? My non-sarcasm response? The same way I can go back to some of the other older games from the past. Especially with the type of videos I upload to my YouTube channel.
  16. Batman: Arkham Knight. Gunning for the Batmobile exclusive trophies.
  17. Odin Sphere (PS4). Earned another platinum. 3000th trophy overall. Man, what I wouldn't give to see them do a Muramasa: The Demon Blade remake.
  18. Slowly going through my entire PS3 collection. Could take a while.
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