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Everything posted by lightning116

  1. Shovel Knight: Specter Of Torment. The Specter Knight DLC was released yesterday. Saw it on PSN and lit up cause I knew my Wii U copy would've updated automatically. Three bosses in and already, this expansion pack is awesome. It's better than the Plague Knight DLC. Not gonna spoil it or nothing. Just play Specter Of Torment. Oh yeah and apparently Shovel Knight was updated to be co-op now. Sweet. It's amazing just how big this game has gotten in under 5 years.
  2. Saints Row 3. Recreated my female character from the very first time I bought and played the game and left out the 26 survival challenges for last after beating the final mission and getting the, I guess, bad ending.
  3. You will not be disappointed. Does it also include the DLCs? Probably not. This dude rarely beats his games lol. Worth grabbing? Croft Manor, The Baba Yaga and Cold Darkness Challenge are both good. Depends on whether you want to or not. My copy came with all of the DLC.
  4. You will not be disappointed. Does it also include the DLCs?
  5. You need to get the Undead Nightmare DLC. It is awesome! I think I have it. But I wanna beat the main story first. I was also gonna give my siblings this game for the Easter vacation but......ha ha, NOPE.
  6. I'll wait to get a Switch on my birthday or Christmas.
  7. Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Just Cause 3 (PS4) WWE 2K14, 2K15, 2K16, 2K17 (PS3) Mario Kart 8 (Wii-U)
  8. Red Dead Redemption. I have no idea why it took me this long to finally buy and play this. It's a great game. I veered off-course from the main story to do some errands and goof around......and by goof around that included killing and skinning animals. Note: cougars in this game are cheap bastards. I hate cougars. >__<
  9. Finished 007 Blood Stone. Hated the Russia level. >__< 100% on LEGO Batman 2. WWE 2K17 (PS3)
  10. He can't even walk, dude has been in that motorized scooter for the longest. Eric Young was half of the WOMEN'S Tag Team champions for a year. Don't judge the idiocy of TNA.
  11. Juggling LEGO Batman 2, Super Mario 64 and Red Dead Redemption. More like finishing Super Mario 64, starting up LEGO Batman 2 and scratching the surface of Red Dead Redemption.
  12. Having a blast with LEGO Batman 2. I didn't realise how much fun the LEGO games were until I played LEGO Batman 3 and 100% it. Then LEGO Marvel Super Heroes which also got the same treatment.
  13. Saints Row 3. Assassinating people and stealing vehicles, while being frustrated as all hell when
  14. I still have this game on PS3. Come to think of it, I've been wanting to do a sequel to a top 10 PS3 games video I did in 2011. This might give me the motivation to get started on it.
  15. Axiom Verge. Just collecting what I missed in my first playthrough. Which was a lot apparently.
  16. Super Mario Maker. So addictive that game is, you have no idea. Whether playing levels designed by thousands of people or unlocking more items and game designs. Got a Wii U? Get this game.
  17. Hyrule Warriors. Got the crossbows for Linkle. She is a beast with those things. God damn. o__o
  18. Just completed Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. A great game to play.
  19. Man was the Cold Darkness DLC pissing me off. Every time I attempt to beat it without dying, some random bulls**t happens that kills me and I rage quit. Was able to get it done later but never again.
  20. Ah there we go. Now it came back on. That was so weird for me. I wasn't able to log onto my PS3 or PS4 for 2 days. I'm more of an offline fanatic, but still. Hadn't had that happen to me since the 2011 hackings.
  21. Rise Of The Tomb Raider. Can't do much with PSN down.
  22. Axiom Verge (PS4). Got lost and had to find a guide to get back in track. That was kinda embarrassing. Back to Rise Of The Tomb Raider now.
  23. Megaman Legacy Collection throughout the week. MegaMan 2 - no death run Gonna upload it on YouTube today. MegaMan 3 - annoyed me MegaMan 4 - underrated MegaMan 5 - hard to get a Game Over in this game. No really. MegaMan 6 - not a fan of this game.
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