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Everything posted by lightning116

  1. Oh Jak 2 gets way worse. Some of the driving time limit missions are infuriating. Just finished Jak 2 and I think it's a mixed bag for me throughout the whole ordeal. A lot of the missions were so STUPID. I found myself getting angry, having less fun with each cheap death I took or when I mistimed a jump. Or the worst part? The awful checkpoints. You die anywhere near the end? Back to START for you. Pissed me off to no end. But on the other hand, I liked Jak 2 more than Jak 1. They improved so much from the first one and the introduction of weapons was fun. Nothing like shooting enemies right in the face with a shotgun. So yeah. Jak 2, better than Jak 1 and annoyed me to no end. Well? On to Jak 3 now.
  2. Jak 2. Barely scratched the surface, had a bit of bother with 2 missions very early. But nonetheless, so far, Jak 2 is way better than Jak 1 right now.
  3. Jak and Daxter Collection (PS3). Just finished the first one. I don't know. For some reason, the jumping and camera were a hindrance to me throughout. Hopefully Jak 2 is better.
  4. Mario Kart Wii. Finished all of the cups and they're all primed for YouTube uploads. Now I'm gonna do an all-cup tour.
  5. Super Mario Bros. Mario Kart Wii Mario Kart 8 Nier: Automata LEGO Marvel Avengers
  6. Mario Kart Wii. At first I didn't remember why I traded this game years ago......until I got to the Special Cup on 150cc. Balanced items? What's that? >__< Unlocked everything again though. Seriously, the unbalance with the items in this game is one that you have to see to believe. Mario Kart 7 and 8 are so much better than Wii when it comes to balance alone.
  7. LEGO Marvel Avengers. Boy this has one of the weakest rosters out of all 4 of the LEGO games I have.
  8. Same here. I literally had 2 of the most anticipated games of 2009, especially for me, for the PS3 and I couldn't find the time to play them both. Someone had to be sacrificed and inFamous was the one that did. Hey it worked out in the end 2 years later after the Sony hack and I got inFamous for free long after I finished everything on Arkham Asylum.
  9. Shadow Complex Remastered. Platinum #42. Mario Kart 8
  10. Nah, you just like to play one game at a time until you beat it. Nothing wrong with that. Unless you did what I did in 2009 and bought Batman: Arkham Asylum along with Infamous. That was a dumb move on my part.
  11. The only Mega Man game on their that should give you a hint of trouble is the first one. Other than that, everyone else is pretty easy. That's just me. I'm a big ass Mega Man fan by the way. In any event, Shadow Complex Remastered. One more trophy away from another platinum. I also hate games that require speed runs. Not a fan of those.
  12. Nier: Automata Saints Row: The Third LEGO: Marvel's Avengers
  13. I played the first game and I loved the hell out of it, without even playing the Undead Nightmare yet. Easily one of my top 5 favorite PlayStation 3 games in my arsenal. They can delay the sequel until 2019 as far as I'm concerned. It'll be worth it in the end.
  14. I see u decided to go to super metroid after your post in the reboot thread. Cool I've been playing Super Metroid for a week and stopped. Before I even posted this. In any event, I finally started Nier: Automata.
  15. Super Metroid, Saints Row 3, WWE 2K14 and 15. And once I've finished my vids for my YouTube channel, I'm gonna crack open Nier: Automata. It's about damn time too.
  16. Super Metroid. I have never played this game at all. And now this is my chance to finally play one of the best SNES games ever. I want to try to beat it with as minimal help as I can.
  17. Just finished Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment. The last track was very tricky but now that I've beaten it I can say that this was WAY better than Plague Knight's DLC. Way better.
  18. I could never get into games where you can't defend yourself. I just can't.
  19. Well I have Nier Automata now. So I'll beat that first before I special order Yooka-Laylee. Just finished Red Dead Redemption. Awesome game. So glad I bought it. Oh don't worry. I'll be playing the Undead Nightmare DLC later. Can't wait to play Red Dead Redemption 2.
  20. By any chance is Yooka-Laylee download only?
  21. Just Cause 3. Nearly pulled my hair out trying to get a specific boat to my garage. Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment. This DLC just gets better and better.
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