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Everything posted by XWF1000

  1. XWF1000

    Bad news

    It has been awhile since I post something like this on this site but I do have some bad news. Just found out that the great 3XCAW AKA FineTune Gaming had Colon Cancer. He just posted a video on his YouTube page an hour ago as I type this. He has been not posting any new CAWS for the last few weeks due to personal reasons. To update, he did go to the Hospital & got it removed but not sure what the long-term damage is. Go to his YouTube page which is FineTune Gaming to see his video to hear his thoughts on the situation. I do have a response to the clip & I will say this, I do hope he gets better & takes the time off that he needs but pretty sure he will not being posting CAWS for a while for WWE2K24 & pretty sure he could be done doing WWE games once he recovers from this but he's interested in that new Non WWE Wrestling game that will come out later this year but not sure if he'll do anything with that game posting his work & whatnot due to his health & whatnot. I know now that last Caw he posted was one of his late Brothers CAWS & pretty sure that will be the last CAW he will ever post in a WWE game. He's not going to get WWE 2K25 as far as I know but I do understand why & the other CAW Creators are giving up on WWE games. I do hope the CAW Legend gets well & do wish him a speedy recovery. Feel free to leave a comment on this situation & will try to update on this site unless something happens to this site. Thank you.
  2. I do like the look, but you should share this on X & shared this with her.
  3. Been reading the comments. Nice to see people have memories of the guy. I do have some news for you all. Just found out this afternoon that Obie AKA 3XCAW is going to honor his memory by uploading his selection CAWS for WWE2K24. He just uploaded ASHLEY Diamond. It will be under the hashtag 3XCAW. There will be others he will pick to upload but HE IS NOT TAKING REQUESTS FROM ANYBODY! Including me. TO be honest, I was stunned by what he did. I was hoping he would take time off from the game to grieve for a few months, but it looks like he's going to upload his favorite CAWS he created. If you want to know more about this, he's on X by the name @obieFTG. He also did a YouTube video talking about his brother's passing. Should be under the account FINETUNE GAMING. Always like the Dru Mercer CAW he always did but don't remember the Cody Prince CAW that much. He rarely uploaded that caw for the last few years. Not sure why thought but we'll never know now.
  4. Hello CAW Creators, I didn't want to do this, but I have too since no one else has the guts to do it. Just found out a half hour ago that the GREAT CAW Legend OZCAWS aka @Oz70NYCAKA Osborne Dowery has passed away last night due to heart Failure. I knew he was in bad health over the years, but he did good work with his CAWS over the years & was looking forward to him doing his work for the last time in WWE 2K24 but that's not going to happen now. His Brother @ObieFTG on twitter & a CAW legend himself who has released his work for the last few weeks on the game confirmed it on X tonight. I'm in utter shock over this. I did PM him on X a few weeks ago & asked about his status but he was playing other games & dealing with his issues & was going to do the game for the final time due to the BS that WWE Games has done. I will miss his work dearly & will miss him posting his work on this site. RIP to the LEGEND! Feel free to leave comments on here to respond to this. Thanks!
  5. Have to ask, What is the hashtag to your CAWS?
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