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Lil' Kazu

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Everything posted by Lil' Kazu

  1. That was FIFA's choice and the kick off was delayed. Both teams had to travel to get there. So no, it wasn't against regulations and didnt change anything The president of FIFA was English I suppose but the fact of the matter is that both teams had to travel If that was cheating than literally FIFA itself cheated What a coincidence!
  2. If only that was the only cheating you did in the '66 World Cup... Shady refereeing from the get go, most notably vs Argentina (thankfully Maradona would avenge that for them), last minute changing of stadiums from Liverpool to Wembley vs Portugal against regulations and without Portugal's consent. That shit would never fly today. You're a disgrace and always will be. I'm happy that the England national team is 'coming home'! Well technically most, if not all, of this forum's users are older than Serbia.
  3. Iceland have been an extremely good team the last four years, they eliminated not only England but Holland (2010 2nd place, 2014 3rd place), they finished above Croatia in the qualifying group and actually beat Croatia in the qualifying, drew to Messi's Argentina Just because "It's Iceland" doesn't mean they're shit. They've been one of the best teams in Europe since 2014 You only show up for tournies, don't pretend like you know how good other teams are. Because our league is so full of foreign talent we dont know how to make homegrown stars anymore. Sterling scored 23 goals this year. Kane scored 52. ...no homegrown stars my ass. 2 players out of 16 isnt a team. When was the last time any of the top six in the last season (City, United, Spurs, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal) played each other and at least 50% of the players on the field were from England, Wales or Scotland? It is so much easier for our top clubs to buy players from other countries and as a result our international teams suffer. Luck of the draw? we lost on purpose to GET that draw How is it our fault everyone else was so shit they lose to teams like South Korea? So were cheats then? And it says a lot that we went for the easier route and still managed to balls it up. I mean, if you weren't cheats you would've never won a World Cup so I guess so.
  4. 'It's coming home' is a meme from what english speak country?
  5. Started playing Doki Doki Literature Club the other day. Freaky game, never played anything like it before.
  6. Football Manager 17 and still grinding away at Cuphead. Beat all the bosses except for one in World 3 but missing most contracts from Worlds 2 and 3 still.
  7. Get it for PC. The system requirements aren't much.
  8. For real, starting playing this today and it's so much fun. Totally worth the wait.
  9. Started playing Life is Strange: Before the Storm epsidode 1 today and been playing Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines again.
  10. I'd say no. I mean wrestling isn't actually a competition so being on TV pretending to be a bodyguard or being on TV pretending to fight someone should be treated as the same thing, right? I don't think WWE's non-compete clauses stand up in court anyway so, whatever.
  11. Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines. Has anyone played this? I'm having a blast so far.
  12. Yeah, still I wish it was called Read Dead Rebirth or something, cause it looks like it's a prequel and all.
  13. Rockstar making me have to buy a PS4...
  14. Started playing Saboteur last night, really fun so far.
  15. Can we just take in the significance of this? A coherent Austin3035 post, with punctuation no less! This has to be a miracle. Of that was just home saving face
  16. Doubt he came back because he needed money.
  17. Thought it was just about merch sales.
  18. Thing is, when I see Cage he looks like he lifts people up with ease and really looks like he's really strong, I don't get that with Ryback, dude looked like he struggled to pick up people. Not to mention Cage is way more athletic than Ryback.
  19. Wasn't Cody going to debut for Evolve this past weekend?
  20. I agree with some shit Cody says in that intearview but he also comes off like a pretentious dick in other things. It sounds like he's got a carny/hustler mentality even though he's always worked for the WWE. I hate guys that say they hate people using insider terms and talk about protecting the business and are saying that on shoot interviews. It's a good listen anyways, interested to see how his post WWE career will go.
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