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About Niffan

  • Birthday 01/16/1993

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  • Favourite Wrestler
  • Favourite Music
    I have a pretty wide taste in music. My favourite band is HIM.
  • Star (Zodiac) Sign
  • Occupation
    I have a masters degree in History
  • Favourite Wrestling Company
  • Orientation
  • Favourite Food
    Curry - Of all kinds
  • Ethnicity
    Danish (Scandinavian)
  • Sig/Avatar Credits
    Emeritus photo by Christopher Thomsen
  • Playstation Network ID
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Upper Midcard

Upper Midcard (6/10)

  1. Niffan

    WWE Drama

    Nah.. He wasnt much of a peacock. First attire (2014): The dark blue with white patterns from his KENTA days Second attire 2014-17: Kawada esque black and yellow shorts and kickpads that he debuted at R:Evolution Third attire 2017-19: Black shorts with a simple brown trim and logo
  2. Fire Promoter is super fun but has a bit of a learning curve! I accidentally ran a show with the 6 no name wrestlers I started with and blew my budget on WALTER.
  3. So who have you all got in terms of mains? I personally love Kirbys playstyle and theres hardly anything better than smashing your enemy with a fully charged hammer.
  4. It depends entirely on how good the creator is at creating a moveset and more importantly: AI Logic You know, some creators will put the five signature moves of a wrestler to some completely unrealistically high values, so that they'll do nothing but their five moves of doom, while others have masterfully crafted a moveset that allows the wrestler to seamlessly segueway from one spot to the next one. I suggest that you find edits that have been made by the same creator, for the best possible match experience.
  5. I went through 5 hours of editing to get all the themes right. Then for some reason they messed up and I had to do it all again. 10 hours of editing and all wrestlers come out to their own theme.
  6. I don't think it is a priority in Early Access. It will probably be just before the proper release of the game.
  7. @GMP I thought the coup de grace taunt happened when you won strike battles late into the match? Anyway, I highly recommend that you use a PS4 or X-box controller. The PS4 controller is even plug and play.
  8. Ernez: https://www.reddit.com/r/firepro/comments/6pnvof/ye_be_weary_there_be_spoilers_here/?st=J5UA5SRP&sh=fb980b2d Some folks have datamined the game
  9. Read my re edited post Added spoiler tags if people want to be surprised.
  10. I saw on Reddit that they are preparing an update that will include:
  11. Just to make sure, I think you should register the controller in Steam settings.
  12. Have you registered the controller in Steam settings?
  13. I know right? And you can even plug and play with a second controller and play it with a friend. It's great fun!
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