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Everything posted by Creepia

  1. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    Yeah how dare Meltzer get false info
  2. I think both belts needed it tbh, but especially the US title. I think they should revamp the tag belts too.
  3. Yeah I don't know why that's a bad thing or even unpopular
  4. bUt WHy CaNt wOMeN HAve TheIR owN ACTioN MoviES??? /elizabethbanks
  5. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    Meh what did Cedric ever bring
  6. Balor Dunne Team Shayna Team Ciampa (4th is Lio Rush)
  7. Man you couldn't have just answered that question normally, could you? "No I was talking about the old one too." jesus mate.
  8. Yeah I saw the Lighthouse too. Good movie, real intriguing.
  9. Hunico was a WWE character, not something he did before. So no, it wont be as Hunico. Pretty sure people are just calling him Hunico as a placeholder for his unmasked character with the street gimmick. (That's definitely what I meant when I said it). I think everyone knows that he won't be under the Hunico name.
  10. Yeah he was also a Mistico. There are like 3 LA Parka's. Mistico can be the same lol.
  11. Hunico was a WWE character, not something he did before. So no, it wont be as Hunico.
  12. To be honest, I couldnt care less what someone is like in their personal life. Matt Riddle has every right to be arrogant, hes very successful and talented, so good on him. As long as someone is entertaining, Im good.
  13. Riddle is great, one of the realest guys they have. In several aspects.
  14. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    Then my post shouldnt be too hard to get..."bro" My whole point is that Rollins is willing to even throw such a point in a fellow wrestlers face just to "win" an Argument, so its not too extreme to think he could try to save face with the whole "i didnt gave a speech" thing...but since its targeted towards Meltzer, people take it. your argument is that because he told Ospreay he has more money than him, he is now going out of his way to lie to the world about a speech. got it. so thats more likely than Meltzer just being misinformed about a place he doesnt work at? My argument is that its not impossible, Rollins has a track record...not only with the whole Ospreay argument...even before and after. People are so easy to not believe anything that comes out of the wwe unless some journalist reports it or so...then people are automaticly in this wwe defend mode where every bad word is false and some thing. Not even remotely true
  15. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    You obviously dont know the whole thing that was going on with Rollins and Ospreay, so i dont blame you on this childish post...but next time please inform yourself before trying to be edgy with me, thank you. You don't know the whole thing either. Also don't act so patronising if you're trying to tell someone to not be so childish, it's hypocritical. And yes, this post is also hypocritical.
  16. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    He gets told things by sources, it wont be that he lied, it will be that his sources lied. People are just too dumb enough to realise that. Meltzer has given Seth his most entertaining feud in months.
  17. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    I dont mean literally. What he said could be said about any journalist. Its not like he said anything specific about Dave, it just seemed more of a dig at the industry Dave is in.
  18. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    He didn't even insult Meltzer, he just insulted journalists in general. Came off like a tool and insulted an industry at the same time. This guy needs to have some whiskey and delete twitter.
  19. Because Punk also wore shirts and wrestling trunks, and had title belts sometimes?
  20. I can't even begin to comprehend what exactly that is meant to mean. Is that an insult? If so then why is that an insult? Not sure what is wrong with being a bigger version of PWG? PWG has it's audience and are a successful promotion in their own right. If that was true and not some baseless sweeping generalisation, then AEW have a good company to base theirs off of. Take that kinda dumb shit to Twitter.
  21. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    Its him. Its just a different account.
  22. Creepia

    WWE Drama

    Stockholm syndrome is one hell of a bitch
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