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Everything posted by WarGreymon77

  1. The Sims 2 (PC) I noticed something strange. You know, I decided to start a family in Pleasantview, which is basically the continuation of the Sims 1 neighborhood. I happened to visit a community lot and bizarrely, there was a tombstone. Darren Dreamer, one of the Maxis-made NPCs, was dead for no apparent reason. He's not supposed to be dead. In fact, The Sims Wiki claims that prior to the Bon Voyage expansion pack, sims cannot die on a community lot (I only have the expansions up to Seasons).
  2. I'm actually working on creating a pro wrestling career for The Sims 2 (PC). I've never done this before. It's pretty exciting.
  3. NASCAR Heat Evolution (PS4) until my WWE creator rank gets past bronze. A decent game, but not a great one. I would play the PS2 NASCAR games instead, but I can't be arsed to hook it up.
  4. Well I'm stuck at bronze upload slots on WWE 2K17, so I guess it's back to NASCAR Heat Evolution for me.
  5. NASCAR Heat Evolution (PS4) career mode My brother bought it, so I figured why not? I loved NASCAR Thunder 2002 and 2003's career modes, but this game seems less polished. Still better than Eutechnyx.
  6. I'm downloading the "Doom" demo on PS4, since my PC is now officially too old to install the latest games . I was hoping that this game would just be a graphical remake of the original, but judging by videos I've seen, it looks more related to today's typical dudebro shooters than it is to Doom. Doesn't look recognizable, but I haven't played it yet.
  7. Just now, I finally got around to completing Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4).
  8. I just remembered. I've got some money saved up for a PS1 Classic that I never used. Now to figure out what to buy. Tomb Raider II, Dino Crisis, MediEvil, Parasite Eve? Is Croc 2 on there? Hmm...
  9. Playing SWTOR trying to get this double XP... Don't really need it these days, but it makes leveling faster.
  10. I actually finished the Stone Cold showcase on WWE 2K16 (already did HoF showcase). From 2K14 to the present, that's a first for me. Not sure if I finished WWE 13's mode.
  11. Well, I did the free trial for Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 1. Despite what people online might tell you, any preferred status player can do it, not just former subscribers. It was disappointing though. First of all, you have to create a brand new character for the trial. Second, I had this "cantina code" a while back. It sends an email to all of your characters with a mount and a random dye. I opened the email and got the black and black dye, rarest dye in the game, and it was bound to this dumb throwaway character. Third, I had already seen this entire chapter in a dev livestream way back. And finally, this whole chapter was only 30 minutes.
  12. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4) 104 hours in, I'm closing in on the endgame. My megas are nearing level 90. Already beat the Great Challenges, currently working on the Seven Great Demon Lords. I saved Lilithmon and Lucemon for last. After that, it's off to continue the main questline. ... *Censored* Lucemon. OP as *Censored* on the show and in the game. Not worth it. I'm skipping this shit.
  13. WWE 2K16 (PS4) The new Women's Championship inspired me to spend some time in create a belt. But I couldn't figure out how to color the background red, so I left that to other folks. BUT I created a custom WCW Women's Championship. I think it looks legit. I'm gonna make tweaks.
  14. Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC): Finishing up taking my last character through Shadow of Revan and Rise of the Emperor. Maybe one day I'll finally subscribe... after they finish releasing all of the Knights of the Fallen Empire chapters. Also still playing Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4)
  15. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth (PS4) I didn't expect so many cute waifus. Nokia, Yuuko, the female protagonist (I'm playing as male tho), and of course my first choice, Lillymon.
  16. Just about every male in Shining Force CD looks like a girl. Wtf? Book 2 especially.
  17. Dragon Age: Inquisition and Shining Force CD, apparently.
  18. I tried Sonic Generations, but that might've lasted an hour or two before I got down to two lives and decided to "take a break".
  19. Okay, so Dragon Age Inquisition sucks. Not really, but it lacks "it factor". I just finished my first playthrough. I don't know if I'd say it's better or worse than DA2, but it's much worse than Dragon Age: Origins.
  20. Not playing this, as I don't have a joystick anymore, but I just had to share this kickass soundtrack from my childhood. Currently playing The Sims 2 (PC). I've got all the expansion packs (but not "stuff packs") except Bon Voyage, Free Time, and Apartment Life. Dragon Age Inquisition (PS4)
  21. My parents ordered my Christmas presents late, so I have a couple of games "in the mail". Sonic Generations (PS3) and Dragon Age Inquisition (PS4). Now, normally, I would play a Dragon Age game on the PC. They have some beautiful mods. But I would need to buy a brand new computer for that (I don't meet the CPU, RAM, or 64 bit requirements), so *Censored* it (for the time being). I had to wait for them to "ship" today because they were ordered on Christmas Day, and then the weekend...
  22. About to start Metal Gear Solid (1) for like the hundreth time.
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