Yup. It's nice to have a game without combat, tbh. Very peaceful. Very nice aesthetic as well.
And it's not without challenge. The main gameplay is climbing these buildings and collecting pieces of the story, which explains what happened to your character and to the city itself. But some of these things you collect are kind of confusing to get to. You can see them, but you need to figure out how to get to them...so, it's more thought-provoking than I expected it to be, which is nice. Also, a very easy 1000g/platinum...if you're into that sort of thing. It got poor reviews, tbh...but I don't know why. I think some people just don't appreciate what the game aims to be.
So I've played it quite a while, and I see what you mean. Not sure why it's getting such bad reviews. It is what it is. It has decent visuals and I kinda like the art style.