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Universal Moderator
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Everything posted by Ernez

  1. LOL..."yay SMB is back."...I guess you won't be for long.

  2. No problem, thanks for the thanks. Nice of you! :)

  3. Ernez

    Your Santino video was removed. :)

  4. Then uh...I was kidding? lol

  5. I'm god. :o...no seriously...I am...k maybe not...I'm just spamming now /spam

  6. I'm not sure. Haha...I found it. :P

  7. You're pretty. <3

  8. Welcome to Caws.ws. :)

  9. Of course! Wanna carry me on the beach? ;)

  10. If you were God, we'd see people walking on water, splitting the ocean into two and people carving on rocks...cause we'd be so f'n high.

  11. Someone told me you were God, so I thought I'd message you and see if people really do talk to God.

  12. I like your personal statement. :)

  13. Thanks a lot man.

  14. No problem, mind if I add you as a friend? Always looking for new friends. ^_^

  15. Little late, but welcome to Caws.ws. XD

  16. Just wanted to say, I love reading your gaming reviews. :)

  17. Hey Brit! Did you forget about your favorite friend!?...I am your favorite...right? o.O xD

  18. I fell for the boobies thing. I feel like such a perv. >.<

  19. Haha, I don't know. 2.18 just seemed so intelligent haha.

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