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Everything posted by Y2J-Driver

  1. Hey, have you ever heard about that stupid peice of shit RingofHonor? The guy wouldn't know good wrestling if it bit him on the ass.

  2. Nah. I think yout the one living in a little fantasy world. Go suck Heyman if you like him so much. Hell cut off his d**k and eat it you discraseful wrestling fan.

  3. Yeah it was directed at you.

  4. u suck dude. you dont like wwe :(

  5. Hey dude, long time no see

  6. Your going to be banned really soon. It's inevitable. The mods have already made their choice :D

  7. Retard *alert*

    Seriously, get some freinds.

  8. *cough* idiot *cough*

  9. WOW, your mentally insane, I hope you never come back. Do you know how many people lost their children in that terrible massacare. Please do get help.

  10. hey dude i really like the christian attire for the alliance can you please post the form for that one because it rules

  11. Dude I copied his satement because Im a lawyuist :)

  12. Is my userbar done yet just wondering?

  13. TNA Sucks B***s dude, just in case you havent figured it out yet. WWE is way better

  14. I added you to my freinds list.

  15. Hello I just Added you. I'm Italian to :D

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