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  1. if it was taped, it'd have been spoiled. I loved Tiffy cashing in and the pop she got. SD was otherwise not that good for me apart from Piper vs. Michin. I can't wait for Punk vs. Seth though!
  2. I actually expected Solo and his group to stop Roman from climbing but... disappointment.
  3. I feel like Cody hasn't really tried to help KO whereas Sami got his ass handed to him because he tried to save KO and backstabbed Roman to do it. Also I feel like Seth's either going to replace Punk somehow or come out and take out Bronson at some point.
  4. She has. Was she a heel in the previous WarGames matches?
  5. I think the fifth person on each side might be used to further their own feud. Give us some good spots while making the feud look more brutal, like Bronson vs. Seth or whatnot.
  6. Triple threat match was great too, though I wish Melo won.
  7. Women's tag match was the best match of the night. Currently on RKO vs. KO still on RKO's entrance
  8. ON Survivor's Series? Not sure if that'll happen since it's NXT, and it'd be an NXT attraction
  9. That was a hype segment between the 10 women, can't wait for next week! Great show yesterday
  10. M3J

    WWE Drama

    It's not fascinating. She can hate announcing and still do an amazing job because of the people she works with and/or wanting to give 100% to the things she does, especially to convince the company that she can do other things too.
  11. I kind of find that fishy since she stayed for few more months after he left.
  12. I don't think she wasn't super happy, but maybe she didn't want to stay for whatever reason.
  13. yeah I don't think that'll happen, on second thought. The PLE is non-canon as far as I know, and it's not as meaningful
  14. Imagine if Nia gets her ass beaten so badly, and Tiff cashes in
  15. Kofi turning heel would be wild, especially if he can go to a different level and be a brilliant heel.
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