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Mango kid

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Official CAWs.ws Addict

Official CAWs.ws Addict (10/10)

  1. Honestly I would have thought Roland would have been released before Luke sad cuz I love Luke's look
  2. i was talking more like tna taking every wwe guy they got and giving them the world title there first month
  3. I doubt it now they're in full on "war" mode. They're desperately trying to hold onto anyone semi decent to keep them away from Cody's mob. In reality thought, wouldn't you want a brand new company to take on a bunch of talent they don't have plans for? Pay big contracts to have guys sit around and do nothing. Like if they released like say a Ryder or Slater what could have possibly do to help AEW with a ratings bump? Stunning Steve Austin > Stone Cold Oz > Diesel Diamond Studd > Razor Ramon Texas Red > Undertaker Sexton Hardcastle > Edge That's the reason you don't let talent go. yes but wcw kept taking wwe talent look what happen there a difference between when they were no name to when they have a name but im sure there smart enough not to pull a tna
  4. So I learned today that the Sega Genesis the original one is still in production in Brazil and the popularity won't slow down
  5. I might be the only one on this but I'm glad that EA is making NCAA football games again
  6. Dude moved his whole family to Connecticut lol I wonder if he thought it was going to be at at home role like the secondary writing team not traveling every week to shows
  7. My guess he probably didn't want to travel I mean how old is he now
  8. Honestly I find online it's really boring because there's never any players on at least with GTA you can see him running around the map all the time
  9. You missed out on some really fun times. Still one of my favorite DLC expansions, no question. EDIT: I've only received one odd sound bug since the summer update... sounded like a repeated click, but I got it to disappear after I logged out, then logged back in. The patch yesterday seems to have fixed the problem of your camp disappearing while playing online. Which was a HUGE pain in the ass, being a Trader and your camp being your "central hub" for running Cripps Trading Company. Nope it still around I keep losing mine
  10. Eddie Ray just saying people really need stop blaming Vinces on why people don't shine all the time sometimes there's nothing to shine because they're averagePlease stop, if you strain your brain to type much more you'll injure it. If you don't like it don't comment on it just move on
  11. Eddie Ray just saying people really need stop blaming Vinces on why people don't shine all the time sometimes there's nothing to shine because they're average
  12. Mango kid

    WWE Drama

    Weren't they both fired from roh just after that incident
  13. Mango kid

    WWE Drama

    That's kind of a bogus reason I doubt true Cody's leaving was basically lightning in a jar look at the other guys who left over there be and just bombed afterwards
  14. Mango kid

    WWE Drama

    Nah they takw ot of ur pay
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