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Everything posted by abhunter

  1. Well, tbf, basically every book ever talks about the vast amounts of sex they are all having with each other on the road
  2. They did do All In which was a great success across the board. All in was far from what I would call a success... really they only did 100k PPV buys, which is worse then ECWs first PPV, and ECW didnt have the internet or anything...
  3. I really enjoyed this movie, but i also really enjoyed the rob zombie versions as well.
  4. I'm the same way. I like the other IC title better
  5. its a single word that is making this wat was a slow pace down hill to a run, maybe even flieing Tri-brand-ppvs without time for all 3 brands to sepretley have there own ppvs they r killing the intercontinentiol, us, and tag divisions, cruisers 2, but if they went back to the old way they would have better storylines and more exciting matchups,
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