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Everything posted by WNX

  1. Which part, her legs or her personality? Or both? Either way, awful news
  2. Wasn't he actually anxious to be done with all of this or am I getting him confused with someone else?
  3. Tryna get a car, I'm broker denna mo and the banks ain't *censored*in wit me v_v
  4. When they're talking backwards compatibility on these new platforms, are they talking digital or physical disc?
  5. How many cell matches do they typically have at these things. 3?
  6. You could see actual frustration coming from Austin during Brock/Goldberg. Maybe if they both acted like they wanted to be there, the match would've gone over better
  7. What micro transactions? The ones that you're literally not forced into buying? Those are available as a convenience, and all of it can be gained by simply playing the game. The argument isn't *whining* "I don't wanna have to pay for micro transactions!!!" The argument is people pay for those microtransations out of said "convenience", and enough of it to where over half of the parent company's revenue is because of them. Take Two doesn't need to waste resources on single player expansions when they're making bank on "recurring user spending" and they prolly never will, because money
  8. Personally, I'd prefer that. Gives you more incentive to use the phone to contact other players with the phone if need be. I always wanted to be in a lobby like that, not knowing where anyone is and seeing things happen organically, ever since GTAIV. Though I think there were certain modes where nobody showed up on the map until they started shooting, but I'm talking freemode sheeit. I Red Dead it would make more sense to talk to a bar keep for info to find out where othrr people are as supposed to just looking at a map from the jump and riding straight to them. Thats just me though. I'm a loner irl and in-game XD
  9. Very, very disappointing. I will never touch this game online. In fact I'm gonna stop allowing the update downloads because they're killing my HD with sheeit I dont use
  10. I did see an article about Spidey possibly in Venom but naw. It was one of the articles that dropped right after the news of Sony declining the 50 50 feel. Sony was trying to compromise and asked about the,possibility of Venom appearing in the MCU. I'll see if I can track it down "The two studios are reportedly discussing a new deal that will allow for Disney to get 30% of Spider-Manas long as the character of Venom is also introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If youre familiar with Venom, you know that hes a pretty dark and creepy characterbut then again, if Disney is making more Deadpool films, is it too far off for Venom to be included in the MCU?" https://insidethemagic.net/2019/09/sony-disney-spider-man-ba1/ And I'm trying to understand why Marvel ducked the 30% counter offer but accepted the 25%. Somebody know something I don't?
  11. Sooooooooooo, Wolverine in Spidey 3 confirmed? On the real, I wonder if Sony's request to include Venom in the MCU was accepted
  12. You guys prolly play enough of it to know by now, but people noticing that the summer update had been "breaking"/adding some things in the game that is heavily implying it might be Undead Nightmare related like glowing eyes on old female corpses, odd music in online, and zombie noises near the (an?) Indian reservation. But supposedly Rockstar had some type of zombie updated planned for GTAV that didn't see light. So don't get too excited, but the timing of it all is shady, including the photo Bill Williamson's VA posted recently in his UN shirt but stresses that the shirt means nothing. They'd be missing out on a huge opportunity if they didn't do anything with this. I didn't play the original UN, but I'd by the hell outta this as long as it was a single player expansion
  13. I watched a playthrough of it. Would never play a game like that,myself. Until Dawn seems way better. The next one lioks like it'll be cool though Anyways I didnt realize State of Play was live. I jumped into the stream at the worst possible time. I almost turned it off with,it's weird "hand holding inanimate object" game
  14. Depending on the length of your illness and said symptoms, that might be jumping the gun a bit. Regardless, take care and get better
  15. I had no idea Solid Snake wrote for the first two X-Men movies and originally was gonna write the Black Widow movie 15 years ago. It's really too bad if he doesn't get any involvement in this one Sony is still pitching offers to Marvel about Spidey so it's not over yet. I dunno, I think Marvel will fold. They've already invested so much into Spiderman that at some point they gotta be willing to play ball. Sony does want more than just Spidey himself (Venom) in the MCU though which lets me know they really wanna make a deal and one that sticks since obviously the more characters you throw in, the more disruptive it is to the universe if the agreement falls through
  16. I knew there was a guide of some sort, but that thing's a gaddamn monster! XD if I was super into 100%'ing everything I would definitely pick it up. Though I feel like this is a whole lot of game and I might still miss out on some good sheeit because I'm not very exploration oriented and this game calls for alot of that. I dunno. We'll see. PS6 would prolly be out by the time I finished going through that
  17. 99 for every item? Hoooooooooly XD. I will definitely bookmark that post and refer back to it when I finally get to it. Looking through that recipe list reminded me of how very little I accomplished first time around. Thank you
  18. Took almost 9 months and a handful of spoilers, but I finally finished the story. Those damn Housers should be proud of themselves. I never finished the original but I'm about ready to watch a play through of it to connect some pieces. Also wanna restart and do alot of the stuff I was neglecting the first go round like hunting, fishing, robberies and bounties (never did either), and the stranger missions I ignored
  19. insert hyperlink [/img ] Close the bracket on that second img
  20. Is auto aim still enabled by default online?
  21. Target acquired And I don't know how to feel...
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