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Everything posted by Austin3035

  1. it wasn't tho I never said stayed in the vault even tho no they prob reveal the overseer is the goul wife I mean the whole trek to deliver the artifact they could at least stretch that out or at least debut the brother hood in episode 2
  2. part of me thought the first season was kind of rush they could spread out for longer then they did like the bigger story is what happening in the vault not what happing at the overworld unless this still season one and only release the first half of episodes then later on they release another half kind of like how Netflix does sometimes
  3. only real issue I had was the cars seem to normal and I really hope fore a season 2 it seem like they played it real safe with the first season to much lore left out
  4. that a really good 3d to bad we cant use it with a table
  5. I think they gave it to taker and rock for fact that rock and taker never had a wrestle mania together so this is the closes we will ever get
  6. weakest match of WrestleMania so far way to short
  7. that why he was at the Hof I thought it was random they showed him
  8. they should done six pack ladder match on night 2 after this match to have judgement day show all titles off
  9. so was that ladder made out of foam is that how they do stage ladders
  10. Aww u want a snickers first step is admitting u have a problem
  11. So, according to the rules of the match, both tag titles have to be pulled down before the match ends.So i'm thinking that one smackdown team And one raw team is going to win the split the titles
  12. yeah you still have this weird obsession with me after all these years so sad
  13. I don't use it but I'm tired of having to go into ever caw to fix it cuz other cant do it right
  14. mostly downloading caw and the pic is way over size or crap when on match screen plus I have strong feeling is causing a lot of crashes
  15. this might be just me but I really wish they would get rid of the render pics for caw
  16. no Vince was also a boss they even said they be working on something almost finish with it and then say this not right we got start every thing all over again as a boss that be frustrating when he given the time and resources and deadline to finish to have to restart everything even fans talk about how much he story takes forever to just finish u got see it as a boss tho not a fan
  17. watching the bray doc I understand why Vince was always always hot and cold I think bray was to much of a perfectionist that cause his segments to take forever to do from a TV stand point
  18. yeah that not how that works they cant put and media stuff due to copyright laws and royalty's without wwe permission and wwe one that gives them the music to use they cant just add if they did they prob add all music and trons from every wrestler they ever had in the game
  19. more likely cuz wwe didnt give them the tron and themes
  20. since we are getting the dudleys I really hope we get a new irish whip 3d like in hctp I really hope we get there turn the tables theme I mean we did get the stone cold theme off the same cd
  21. no years they did the same in 2019 and 2020 what makes me think it was a glitch
  22. so I notice I cant download anything that been modded or like have hidden stuff
  23. it been like that for years they got rid of that last year or in 2019 idk if it a giltch or not cuz it still has the 20 limit on the page
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