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Everything posted by Austin3035

  1. one is a violation the other is free speech that like saying all news agency r guilty of reporting a crime cuz it promotes the crime status when he got the game sign what pretty much biding contract agreement he broke it he got punish it pretty black and white
  2. you cant say they haven't got any repercussions or not but the truth his lot of status stuff sucked yeah creations r good but I had more crashes using his stuff then other created and his hack arenas sucked
  3. still obsess with me all these years that even more sad
  4. still sad and in the grand scale doesn't matter I have no problem with 2k doing this status new what he was doing what can happen u play with fire enough u will be burned
  5. That just sounds like a nightmare to begin with , and it's just great end of harassment
  6. You know it's sad when you think it's cool saying my friends on twitter
  7. who said they don't but there never be able to fully stop them unless they get rid image uploader
  8. well what u expect it was bound to happen they already stop being able to download hack caw you cant blame them for stoping it
  9. the Mr socko mandible claw should be slow down it way to fast
  10. I haven't been able to use CAA at all so there that
  11. never understood the point of renaming moves every year
  12. u cant say I'm wrong lol u say it was pace perfectly it wasn't just cuz u think it was doesn't mean it was and I can if I want to I don't care it been out long enough if u they haven't that on them they watch it spoiled or not the main character is lucy and Franky he story sucks
  13. we all no ai and that stuff needs alot of work but what little stuff can be added to make it better they really need the ability to put guys in multi divisions like they can be both in a tag and a single title division I want them to bring back the ability to select random on the attire section of the superstare page again
  14. in 25 they really need the ability to put guys in multi divisions like they can be both in a tag and a single title division
  15. it wasn't tho I never said stayed in the vault even tho no they prob reveal the overseer is the goul wife I mean the whole trek to deliver the artifact they could at least stretch that out or at least debut the brother hood in episode 2
  16. part of me thought the first season was kind of rush they could spread out for longer then they did like the bigger story is what happening in the vault not what happing at the overworld unless this still season one and only release the first half of episodes then later on they release another half kind of like how Netflix does sometimes
  17. only real issue I had was the cars seem to normal and I really hope fore a season 2 it seem like they played it real safe with the first season to much lore left out
  18. that a really good 3d to bad we cant use it with a table
  19. I think they gave it to taker and rock for fact that rock and taker never had a wrestle mania together so this is the closes we will ever get
  20. weakest match of WrestleMania so far way to short
  21. that why he was at the Hof I thought it was random they showed him
  22. they should done six pack ladder match on night 2 after this match to have judgement day show all titles off
  23. so was that ladder made out of foam is that how they do stage ladders
  24. Aww u want a snickers first step is admitting u have a problem
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