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Everything posted by TheWolf80

  1. Ok, so I've managed to get caught up on your stuff since the last time I signed in and DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! The greats never lose their touch. I'd go as far to say that you're characters are even better than before. I'm still learning from you all these years later, Master Yoda. And the matches you just uploaded where bangers. Might be time for me to stop slacking off and get back in the lab myself. I've only made O'Dell this year so far. Two versions actually because the 1st version I wasn't satisfied with. The 2nd version is on CC right now.
  2. Ethan Bain and Scott O'Dell have unfinished business from PWN. You never cease to amaze with your character design, old man. If O'Dell wasn't already accounted for, he'd definitely be hitting up and hitting on Twyla Moon. She's a babe.
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