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Everything posted by BestInTheWorld614

  1. So since KO had such a problem with Cody teaming with Reigns, eventually we are going to have to get KO/Sami again. It’s just too convenient that they have been able to keep them far apart during these stories.
  2. They want to get to War Games. If anything they should have teased it sooner knowing what the end point was
  3. I like Joe Hendry but something about his physicality is off to me. On the last show look how he attacks Wes Lee and then look how Pete Dunne attacks. Hendry was in like slow motion while Pete went 100 mph
  4. I don’t understand pro wrestling rumors sometimes. Only Priest has been called Street Trash so that somehow means the Judgement Day will be renamed Street Trash when Priest isn’t even in the group anymore. Makes zero sense.
  5. Wouldn’t surprise me if Punk took the picture haha
  6. I doubt Punk made a fuss about the tweet. It probably came from WWE
  7. Im getting Summerslam 97 vibes from Punk/Drew/Rollins
  8. It’s a win because it’s more accessible. People without cable will have a chance to watch it. Also people that might not have heard of AEW may want to check it out as they scroll through Max.
  9. Maybe Balor gets involved and either Priest loses or gets DQ’ed. The Priest will give Gunther a rematch in Berlin where Gunther will beat him clean.
  10. I wouldn’t go that far but I felt weird with Martha in the ring. The Toni Storm shot will be iconic. Great visual
  11. They could have given Bryan a towel during the Owen presentation.
  12. I just think they thought Jade was more ready than she actually is. They are eventually going to get to Jade vs Bianca.
  13. I think Waller was always better on his own. Theory could be a solid face but I always feel like he is missing something.
  14. I cannot believe they put Heyman through the table. When was the last time Heyman took a bump. I don’t get how anybody can be sick of the Bloodline story. The pop for Reigns will be massive. The pop for the Usos reuniting will be massive. The pop for the Usos siding with Reigns again will be massive. Just those 3 moments have me excited for the whole thing.
  15. The only thing I hated was the song after every 2 count in France.
  16. But was is TNA drawing? Maybe they are ok with just existing. Maybe they aren’t trying to grow and compete with AEW or WWE. And while yes, most wrestling fans have heard of TNA, I’m sure a lot don’t know it is still around. This move helps TNA by getting more people to talk about them, maybe get some people to subscribe to their streaming platform, and also keep it open for more work in the future, that is if it isn’t already a full on working relationship. I have seen reports that NXT will send people over to work TNA shows. Maybe TNA will act as a modern day ECW feeder system.
  17. TNA understands what it is, they aren’t trying to compete with anybody but just kinda existing and carving their own little piece of the wrestling pie. Any exposure is good for them even if temporary. It doesn’t bring down TNA since they aren’t trying to appear to be more than they are. It’s fun and getting people talking
  18. Supposedly the TNA relationship will include people from NXT appearing in TNA. Honestly just having TNA associated with WWE in any way bumps their stock. Being the company to work with WWE in any capacity is a big deal.
  19. Hell I would have Roman ask Sami to help in War Games
  20. It’s still surreal that CM Punk is back in a WWE game.
  21. I mean he is still on a legends deal so it’s not like WWE is ignoring him
  22. Well I take back everything I said. Dumbass trying to be Hardcore Holly lite
  23. I see Gulak being brought back after the Ronda book tour dies down. I think he was more valuable as a coach in NXT than in screen.
  24. Shame, I like the OTM faction and think it has potential
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