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Entrance by Dante007

Date added: 14th April 2009
Viewed: 3489 times
Rating: 7.5/10 (17 votes)

Intro: Hunter Hearst-Helmsley
Lighting: JBL

Stage: Hunter Hearst-Helmsley
Lighting JBL

Ramp: Randy Orton
Fireworks: Ramp Fireworks 04 (Activate them as soon as it starts)
Lighting: JBL

Ring in: Randy Orton
Lighting: JBL
(change to camera angle 10 as soon as he's on the steps)

Ring: Undertaker (Classic)
Fireworks: Ring Fireworks 13 (As I recall he didn't have ring fireworks, but it seems kind of appropriate if you think something's missing - set them off once he begins putting his arms up)
Lighting: JBL
(Change to Camera 4 as soon as the fireworks go up/when he puts his arms up)

Video: LoW logo
Music: Gold Lust - Jim Johnston (Custom Soundtrack)