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Entrance by Tömmy K

Date added: 14th April 2009
Viewed: 3136 times
Rating: 6.9/10 (8 votes)

Motion: Rick Rude
Lighting: Legend 04

Motion: Rick Rude
Lighting: Legend 04
(Show name plate just as Diesel plays with his beard)

Motion: Legend 01
Lighting: Legend 04

Ring In
Motion: Big John Studd (or Big Show, which is a little too slow for me)
Lighting: Legend 04

Motion: Big Show
Fireworks: Ring Fireworks 15
Lighting: Legends 04
(When Diesel is facing the ropes after entering the ring and starts to go for the Big Show ring taunt cut the camera 4 for a long shot and then as soon as his hand is up in the air hit the fireworks, as soon as they have gone off switch to camera 1 for a close up of his back and when he starts to walk around the ring finally back to camera 4, sounds like a lot but it looks good)

Championship Entrance: Big Show 1
Gondola Entrance: I went with Andre, but none would be a better choice
Movie: WWE Logo
Music: Diesel Blues (or Big John Studd failing that)