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Razor Ramon
CAW by richierich9

Date added: 14th April 2009
Viewed: 51434 times
Rating: 8.8/10 (306 votes)

Template: 1 (I think)
Head: 10,-21, 10
Forehead: -37,-56,15,-1

Face Morphing
Eyebrows: -100,-100,31,8
Eyes: -2,-24,21,20,-30,46,-12
Nose: 0,-17,-23,-16,-4,12,-1,-16
Cheeks: -49,-60,17,44
Mouth: 13,-41,3,-22,-36,-65,-23
Jaw: 1,10,14,-10,30,61
Ears: 0,0,0,0

Body Height: 6’-5”
Body Type: 0

Body Morphing
Neck -41,-26,0
Chest -16,12,18
Shoulders -7,6,0
Abdomen 10,25,15
Waist 22,23
Arms -10,-8,10
Hands 0,0,0
Legs 4,6,12
Feet 0,0,0

1. Definition 2
2. Skin tone 12: 89,1,-9,10
3. Eye Type 1: -100,-91,-8
4. Eyebrows 14: 85,-100,-5
5. Eye Lashes 1: 86,0,0
6. Lips 1: 99,0,0
7. Teeth: Default
8. Hair 98: 100,2,36
9. Body Hair 5: 85,0,-10,100
10. Underwear 28: color 73,2,1
11. Facial hair templates 30: 87,0,-10,100
12. Make up 19: 89,-50,100,22
13. Make up 17: 75,-100,-70,38
14. Knee Pads 5: color -13,-100,-71,100
15. Elbows 2: Right Arm color -13,-100,-62,100
16. Elbows 1: left Arm color -13,-100,-62,100
17. Boots 1: color -25,-100,-9
Razors on Knee Pad for each
18. Design 104 color 68,100,15,100 (refer to pics)
19. Design 104 Rotate color 68,100,15,100 (refer to pics)
20. Japanese Letter 11/13 “/\” color -25,-100,-48,100 (place over both razors, vertical)
21. Design 104 color 68,100,15,100 (refer to pics)
22. Design 104 Rotate color 68,100,15,100 (refer to pics)
23. Japanese Letter 11/13 “/\” color -25,-100,-48,100 (place over both razors, vertical)
Razor logo on Trunks (refer to pics)
24. Alphabet 1/17 “R” 67,100,5,100
25. Alphabet 1/17 “A” 67,100,5,100
26. Design 96 “/” 67,100,25,100 (vertical part of Z)
27. Design 96 “/” 67,100,25,100 (make more horizontal to be under O R)
28. Design 95 “|” Rotate 67,100,25,100 (over the R A)
29. Alphabet 1/17 “O” 67,100,5,100
30. Alphabet 1/17 “R” 67,100,5,100
31. Wrestling Tops 28 color 71,-27,1 (tuck vest)
32. Body Accessories 30: Default color

CAL Entrance:
(Mr. Perfect Lighting for all except*)
Intro: Legend 01
Stage: Ric Flair
Ramp: Ric Flair (place name plate)
Ring In: Bret Hart
Ring: Ric Flair (fireworks 14) (*Lighting Legend 04) (Camera inside the ring close up so fireworks are behind Razor)