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WWE All Stars

Create A Superstar Game Saves

Zack Ryder
CAW by Mr.All Stars

Date added: 30th July 2011

moveset: cm punk
finisher: DDT
entrance: high roller theme
nickname: the superstar
superstar h: 6'1


hair: 2 color: b:0 x:3 y: 9
facial hair: goatee: 2

body: defult

ring gear:

headwear: hats: 23 color 1: b: 0 x: 27 y: 6 color 2: 0 x: 27y:6
glasses: 10 color 1: b: 0 x: 2 y: 2
upper body: arm gear: elbow pads: 1 (r and l) all black
wrist tape: 4 all black
lower body: underwear: 2 color1: b:0 x:27 y:6 color2: b:0 x:5
y:0 knee pad: 7 (r and l) color: b:0 x:27 y:6
boots: 3 color1: b:0 x:5 y:0 color2: b:0 x:27 y:6