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WWE All Stars

Create A Superstar Game Saves

Matt Hardy
CAW by Skyrazor08

Date added: 13th May 2011
Name: Matt Hardy
Move Set: Stone Cold or your choice
Finisher: RKO (looks like the twist of fate)
Entrance:Rocker or your choice
Nickname: The Superstar or your choice
Height: 6'3

Face Type:1
Head: 88 50 50 58
Skull: All 50
Cheek: 54 77 50 82
Ear: 99 50 50 79
Brow: 99 72 50 73 51
Eye: 50 60 62 60 58 54 52
Nose: 44 45 71 50 50 50 50 50 50
Mouth: All 50
Jaw: All 50

Hairstyle: 18
Color: 0 1 10
Sideburns: 9
Color: 0 1 10
Eye Color: 4 16 9/ 20 1 10
Eyebrows: 21
Color: 0 1 10

Skin Type: 1
Color: 20 1 10
Definition: 4

Overall Body Scale: 50
Chest: All 50
Shoulders: All 50
Abdomen: 53 63 54
Waist: 60 60
Arms: 38 38
Hands: 50
Legs: 60 60
Feet: 58

Hats: 13 (This will make the hair)
Color: 0 1 10/ 0 1 10
Adjust Hat: 27 29 26 51 99 50 50 45 54

Wrist Tape: 2
Color: 20 1 10/ 20 1 10

Tights: 12
Color: 9 21 10/ 9 21 10

Bottoms: 27
Color: 7 1 10/ 5 1 10

Knee Pads Left and Right: 10
Color: 11 1 10/ 8 1 10

Boots: 16
Color: 5 1 10/ 5 1 10

Body Decal: 3-C
Color: 20 1 10/ 10 18 5