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Brock Lesnar

Date added: 14th August 2012
Fallaway Slam
Shooting Star Press 4
Backbreaker Drop 2
Belly To Belly 2
Fallaway Slam 2
Spear 1 (Only one fight)
German Suplex 3 or 6
Powerbomb 4

F5 3
F5 4
Shooting Star Press or Lesnar Shooting Star Press (CAF)
2 Backbreaker to Fallaway Slam (CAF)
Lesnar Triple Powerbomb (CAF)
2 Powerbomb to German Suplex (CAF)

Lesnar Shooting Star Press Formula:
1.Take Off 23
2.Dive 29
3.Dive 56 (Maximum)
4.Descent 10
5.Finish 13

2 Backbreaker to Fallaway Slam Formula:
1.Backbreaker Clutch 01
2.Single Knee Backbreaker
3.Single Knee Backbreaker
4.Last Call Bend
5.Last Call Toss
6.Last Call Impact

Lesnar Triple Powerbomb:
1.Mid-Section Knee Strike
2.Powerbomb Clutch 02
3.Powerbomb Lift
4.Single Powerbomb Slam (Speed 89)
5.Single Powerbomb Slam (Speed 89)
6.Powerbomb Impact 03

2 Powerbomb to German Suplex Formula:
1.Mid-Section Knee Strike
2.Powerbomb Clutch 02
3.Powerbomb Lift
4.Single Powerbomb Slam (Speed 89)
5.Single Powerbomb Slam (Speed 89)
6.Switch German Suplex Lift
7.Switch German Suplex Impact