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The Undertaker
CAW by undertaker047

Date added: 13th May 2012
Face 1
Texture & color: skin 9, 3rd color, shine 3
Eye type 1: 27, 197, 39
Eyebrows 19: 17, 114, 65
Eyelashes 1: 6, 119, 53
Lipstick 1: 6, 152, 177
Hair 59: 17, 128, 10-2nd color default, Length 100

Face morph

Head 10,-20, 0

Cranium -39, -10, -2, 0

Eyebrows -100, -100, 27, 45

Eye -6, 20, 10, -40, 5, 4, -15

Nose -10, 55, -37, 26, -50, 55, 9, 25

Cheeks -55, -100, 10, -64

Mouth -55, -100, 22, 0, 0, -80, -30

Jaw 50, 47, 11, -23, 10, -5

Ears 19, -8, 0, 0

Make-up 15 1st choice black
Make-up 1 17, 93, 36
Design 131 9, 128, 10 place top of forehead right in the hair lining
Goatee 22: 13, 149, 150
Goatee 5: 15, 148, 150
Design 107: 17, 140, 195 place between nose and mouth, upperlip. Repeat on left side
Sideburns 1: 15, 146, 35

Body morph
Height 7'0
Size 2

Body shape

Neck 20, -20, 32

Chest 15, -8, 25, 0

Traps 33, 20, 10

Shoulders 10, 13, 15

Abdomen -15, 13, 10

Waist 32, 20

Arms -3/3, 3/0, 12

Hands 0, 0, 0

Legs 5/-5, 5/0, 0

Feet -30, 0, 0

Body tattoo
Tattoo 29 both arms 71, 220, 109 T 40, L 100
Tattoo 21 right arm 61, 220, 116 T 39, L 70
Tattoo 34 left arm 68, 215, 116 T 42, L 50

Hands 12 All black

Wrestling tights 3 both black
WWE design 62: 0, 0, 80 2nd color 0, 255, 0 repeat on both legs
Boots 17: 0, 255, 0
Tops 9 2nd choice 0, 255, 0
WWE design 62: 0, 0, 80 2nd color 0, 255, 0
Elbow pads 2: 0, 255, 0