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Red Ranger
CAW by Marco2000CS

Date added: 6th May 2012
Type 1
Hair 3
nose -100, 0, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100
ears -100, -100, -100, -100
skin tone 1/12 -100, 100, 0
mask 13/23 -100, 100
20/23 -100, 100, 0
mask design 23/77 -30, -100, -100
top 1/50 (participating in the pants) -100, 100, 5
accessories hands 4/16 -13, -100, 100
collant 1/17 -100, 100, -10
boot 5/37 -13, -100, 100
belt 20/20 -100, -100, 100
tattoo chest 148/149 (3 times on the chest and 3 on back) -100, -100, 100 (helped with the image)
tattoo face 148/149 (4 times as in the image) -100, -100, 100
on the neck 103/149 (to cover the hinge) -100, 100, 43
high 177 cm