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CAW by mark

Date added: 6th May 2012
Template- Face 1Head-
Hair 27/71- Style 1- Colour X 56 Y=-100 Shade- -17 Hair Scale- 0Shape- Head- 0,0,0 Forehead- 0,0,0,0
Face- Eyes- Type- 1/9, style 1 x 13 y 0 shade 0
EyeLashes- 1/15 x 85 y 0 shade 0Eyebrows- 20/39 x 86 y 0 shade 0Mouth- Lips 1/17 x 96 y 0 shade 0Teeth- 1/14 x 87 y 0 shade 0
Skin- Texture & Colour- 4/12 xx 89 y 0 shade 0
Age- 0
Eyebrows- -100, 0, 50, 25
Eyes- size- 0, -20, -10, 11, 0, 0,-10
Nose- 5, -5, 35, 14, -25, -15, 31, -39
Cheeks- 0,0,0,0
Mouth- 36, -10, 5, 0,0,0, -48
Jaw- -35, -2, 20, 10, 10, 20
Ears- 0,0,0,0
Facial Hair- 16/27, x 85 y 0 shade 0 transparency- 100
Height- 213cm
Body Type- 0
Shape- Neck 0,0,0
Chest- 0, 0, 15
Shoulders- 0, 0, 41
Abdomen- 0, 0, 0
Waist- 0, 0
Arms- 0, 0, 0
Hands- 0, 0, 0
Legs- 0, 0, 42
Feet- 0, 0, 0
Size- 1/9 End here and Go onto clothing and then go back to body when done with clothing ( the end of the next bit)
Headwear- Mask Designs- 71/77- x 100 y 100 shade 10 transparency- 100
Upper body- Tops- 37/50- style 2 x -100 y -100 shade -75
Arm wear- elbow- both arms- 2/10- x-100, y-100, shade- -75, transparency- 100
Arms/Wrists- Both Arms- 15/21- x-100, y-100, shade- -75, transparency- 100
Hands- Right Hand- 2/16- x-100, y-100, shade- -75, transparency- 100
Lower Body- Trunks and under wear- 1/9, x -25, y 0 shade 0
Wrestling Tights- x -30, y -100, shade -75, transparency 100 Length 100
Tights Designs-
Right Leg- 27/159- x -96, y 0, shade 19 transparency 100
Belt-2/20- x -11, y -100, shade -7, transparency 100Foot wear- 37/37- x -13, y -100, shade -55
Go Back To BODY-Tattoos- Torso- 95/149- x 99 y 55 shade 19 transparency- 100
Do this another 2 times and adjust accordinglyOthers-Crowd Signs- All KaneYour Masked Kane is Ready!