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CAW by ahmedx123x

Date added: 28th December 2011
mask-just go to head wear the mask number is 24/31 then put the colour to red then the shade is 60 do it to also second colour then again go to head wear then add a mask that is vaders mask that is number 22/31 same colour as the first mask face paint is number 75 the body shape is default but the height is 6'10' that is 263 ibs hair is 47 x-17 y-168 eyes are type 1 but orange in colour face shape
head- 6,00
cranium- -0,-11,-19,-32
eyebrows- -43,-27,-71,14
eyes- -87,,10,68,-6,-6,25,-30
nose- -26,20,-36,11,-16,,67,-12,89
cheek- 11,-100,34,-7
mouth- 83,-43,-70,63,-71,-33,-23
jaw- 31,-28,10,4,62,40
ears- -8,30,13,-29
goatee- 5/24
x-16 y-129