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John Cena
CAW by Sheamus2211111

Date added: 6th May 2012
Size 4/9.Texture,color 8/12,x:89 y:0 shade 0.Type eyes 1/9,x:35 y:-5 shade -21.Eyebrows 6/39,x:71,y:0 shade -57.Eyelashes 15/15.Lips 1/17,x:96 y:0 shade 0.Hair 11/71,x:83 y:0 shade -21.Trunks/Underwear 3/9 x:-6 y:0 shade 0.Knee Pads 15/16 x:-100 y:-100 shade -100 transparency 100.Arms and Wrists 1/21 both hands x:-100 y:-100 shade -100 trancp. 100 length 18.Arms and Wr. 17/21 right hand x:-100 y:-100 shade -100 trancp.100.Face Paint 67/89 x:90 y:50 shade 61 transparency 33.Boots and Shoes 17/37 x:100 y:-100 shade 100.Bottoms 5/42 Pattern 13/51 x:89 y:-31 shade -14.Belts 3/20 x:-33 y:0 shade -77 transp.100.Go to Entrance Attire:Tops 1/50 x:-13 y:-100 shade -100.Get the alphabet to tops RISE x:-100 y:44 shade 25 transp.100.Under RISE get the alphabet ABOVE to the tops x:-100 y:-100 shade 100 transp.100.Under ABOVE get the alphabet HATE x:-10 y:25 shade 7 transp.100.Hats 1/37 normal style x:-100 y:-100 shade -100.Marks/Scars 20/23 x:92 y:0 shade 7 transparency 78.the shape is:Eyebrows -100,0,0,-24.Eyes 38,-30,-7,-23,69,19,-30.Nose -15,6,56,13,-26,2,19,48.Cheeks -100,0,0,-18.Mouth 94,-31,21,22,31,0,-20.Jaw -15,75,0,0,0,0.Ears 0,0,0,0.Neck:-58,1,1.Chest -27,3,1.Shoulders -37,0,0.Abdomen -54,6,15.Waist 0,0.Arms 0,4,2.Hands 0,0,0.Legs -40,1,2.Feet 0,0,0.Height 192 cm.
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