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Jey Uso
CAW by H.Patrik (innovator)

Date added: 1st June 2012
Jey USO 1.0

Head Shape:
Head: 63,57,48
Forehead: 0,0,0,0

Face Shape:
Eyebrows: 33,-53,31,50
Eyes: 35,-10,-29,5,7,20,-7
Nose: 17,14,-25,-100,23,35,-10,43
Cheeks: -100,100,24,-35
Mouth: 6,-32,38,-49,-20,-20,-10
Jaw: 38,-47,32,-44,29,-56
Ears: -11,17,-38,-62
Age: 17


Height: 185 cm

Body Shape:
Neck: -53,47,47
Chest: 7,15,24
Shoulders: -59,31,-35
Abdomem: -1,9,32
Waist: 26,28
Arms: -58,7,8
Hands: 5,5,5
Legs: -12,10,12
Feet: 0,0,0


1.Size: 5/9
2.Texture & Color: 1/12 (90,1,-21)
3.Type: 1/9 (13,0,-47)
4.Eyebrows: 1/39 (82,16,-47)
5.Eyelashes: 1 Default Color
6.Lips: 1/17 (93,-1,-19)
7.Teeth: Default
8.Hair: 56/71 2nd Style (81,0,-23)
9.Trunks/Underwear: 5/10 Default Color
10.Mustache: 11/13(86,0,-100,100)
11.Wrestling Tights: 1/17 (68,100,-6,100,8)
12.Goatee: 1/14 (90,0,-47,100)
13.Armswear>Elbow>Both Arms: 2/10 (-13,-100,-77,100)
14.Armwear>Arms/Wrists>Left Arms: 1/21 (-13,-100,-100,100,23)
15.Knee Pads: 5/16 (-13,-100,-86,100)
16.Armwear>Hands>Right Hand: 6/16 (-13,-100,6,100)
17.Boots & Shoes: 31/37 (1st Color: -23,84,5) (2nd Color: -13,-100,-14)
18.Body Accessories: 18/27 (100,0,-100)
19.Right Arm logo: 18/149 2nd biggest vertical and smallest horizontal in top of Elbow (-19,0,-56,51)
20.Right Arms Logo: 17/149 Cruising with the previous logo 2nd biggest horizontal and smallest vertical (-19,0,-100,78)
21 and 22.Wrestling Tights Logo: 9/149 on both sides of tighss (-18,-100,100,100)