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Hulk Hogan
CAW by BrunoBarros

Date added: 10th December 2011

Face Template 6

Head: 48,36,35
Cranium: 32,-66,-48,30
Eyebrows: 100,0,30,-48
Eyes: Default
Nose: 60,-16,55,20,-67,-15,100,-68
Cheeks: 86,-50,-50,-50
Mouth: -13,-100,32,20,-46,100,-90
Jaw: 100,75,85,72,100,100
Ears: 29,36,-8,-4

Texture & Color: 6/12 (Default Color)
Age: 46
Mustache: 10/15 (32,163,212)
Hair: 37/82 (32,163,212)


Height: 6'3"
269 lbs

Neck: 61,52,59
Chest: 0,20,66,0
Traps: 100,100,86
Shoulders: 28,78,19
Abdomem: 5,34,43
Waist: 61,42
Arms: 5
Biceps: 44,37
Forearms: 38,38
Hands: 7,53,54
Legs: 20
Thighs: 32,42
Calves: 30,51
Feet: 0,32,28

Size: 3/11


Hats: 11/47 Default Color
WWE Legends Logo in hats
Glasses: 19/42 (1st Color: 42,0,255) (2nd Color: 0,255,0,0)
Arms/Wrists>Both Arms: 12/30 (0,255,255)
Body accessories: 19/38 (1,14,185)
Tops: 36/48 2nd style (42,0,255)
Lettering in tops: "HULK" (0,0,205) and "Rules" (0,0,217)
Logo: 131/144 in back of tops (6,182,255)
Logo: 131/144 in back of tops (6,182,255)
Logo: 131/144 in back of tops (6,182,255)
Trunks & Underwear:(42,0,255)
Knee Pads>Both Knees: 11/15 (Default Color)
Boots & Shoes: 2/46 (42,0,255)

Menu Screen Pose: 7/21