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CAW by JohnCenaMitko

Date added: 9th January 2012
Start with template 1

texture & color 1/12
age 0
hair 13/82 15 109 40
eyes 7/11 dark brown
eyelashes 15
eyebrows 18 18 113 70
teeth 1st 20 240 220
head -25 -5 5
cranium -30 -20 10 20
eyebrows -40 10 15 -90
eyes -15 -10 -10 -5 -7 15 -30
nose 10 -20 50 -10 0 -25 10 20
cheeks 40 20 20 20
mouth 20 10 -35 -10 10 -25 40
jaw 45 60 100 10 -30 -50 (the jaw is too big because the beard will looks well)
ears -20 -70 -10 0
goatee 19 14 77 40
sideburns 5 13 77 10
mustache 15 17 138 50
designs 105 to match the goatee with mustache from left and repeat it on the other side then get another one , rotate it on 90 degrees and small it to match the mustache in the center.Their color is 14 179 20
For Hornswoggle's tattoos on his right hand designs 20 and small it (look at the help pic) color 99 230 30
then on the left hand designs 18 make it light green
for his bracelet on the right hand get two designs 105 and rotate it on 90 degrees and match them.The color is 0 255 0.
Height 5'3' 187 lbs
size 9
neck -30 -30 -30
chest -60 -40 0 -70
traps -50 -30 -60
shoulders -50 0 -50
abdomen -60 40 20
waist 30 30
arms -100
biceps -30 -50
forearms -25 -20
hands -75 -80 -30
legs -100
thighs 30 10
calves 30 10
feet -50 -20 -30
bottoms 31 116 128 100
boots & shoes 34 105 10 130 and 16 20 230
tops 1 0 236 40 wwe logos 24 make it big 0 255 230
alphabet (the second)"hornswoggle" (look at the help pic)
0 255 230 and 100 9 200
designs 111 make it big 0 236 40
crowd signs make something Irish
menu screen pose 14
abilities move thief and resiliency
attributes all 55 overall 60
name entrance name and abbreviated name Hornswoggle
ring name Homer Walker or someone better.
commentary name The Gangster
hometown Ireland Dublin