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CAW by santacaw

Date added: 3rd December 2011
james storm

sorry 4 the bad photos if some one with a good camera wants to take a photo for me they can

james storm
template 1
skin tone 8 3rd from top row shine 4

hair 60 1st colour 19 145 92 2nd colour 0 255 50
lengh 42

eyes 1 114 140 62
eyebrows 17 17 141 85
eyelashes1 11 110 35
lipstick 1 6 117 185
teeth 1

head0 0 0
cranium0 -7 4 0
eyebows-100 -10 44 47
eyes0 -27 36 -34 40 -44 -24
nose18 43 -52 0 -100 -12 -44 100
cheeks 40 33 -81 -100
mouth 46 -100 -51 -100 -61 -34 -46
jaw 51 -71 9 24 37 -9
ears 60 46 -34 -59

body size 9
neck-40 -6 -10
chest9 24 11 5
traps-15 0 0
shoulder-40 14 -30
abdomen-12 27 20
waist 42 31
biceps-5 -5
4arm-5 -5
hands-16 -17 -10
thigh-12 8
calves-8 5
feet 0 0 0

combination 2 22 138 87
mustache 12 19 145 92
make up 20 20 139 96
sideburns14 20 149 96
combinations24 17 136 81
trunks/ underwear12 0 255 41
arm/wrist 8 all o 255 41
boots 27 all 0 255 41

for street gear add
bottoms jeans 23 all 151 135 115
boots 1 0 255 41
top 13 tucked in 0 255 41

HAT 20 0 255 41