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Heihachi Mishima
CAW by Spamming Nooblet

Date added: 10th December 2011


Texture & Color: 6/12 (Color= 3/30) (Shine: -64)

Age: 77

Hair= Superstar: 61/82 (Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 187)


Eye Type: 1/10 (Color= X: 40/ Y: 74/ Shade: 139)

Eyelashes: 15/15

Eyebrows: 1/33 (Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 183)

Teeth: 1/14 (Color= WHITE)


Lipstick: 2/17 (Color= X: 7/ Y: 142/ Shade: 192)


Head: 5/ 5/ 5
Cranium: 0/ 0/ 0/ 0
Eyebrows: -91/ 19/ 100/ 100
Eyes: 20/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 10
Nose: 51/ 42/ 31/ 36/ 0/ 9/ 71/ -37
Cheeks: 38/ 0/ 0/ 0
Mouth: 0/ -30/ -16/ 0/ 0/ 0/ -62
Jaw: 26/ 63/ 22/ 17/ 0/ 0
Ears: 49/ 0/ 0/ 0


Height: 6'4" (242 lbs)

Size: 3/11


Neck: -8/ 31/ 30
Chest: 0/ 21/ 35/ 0
Traps: 66/ 6/ 13
Shoulders: 20/ 20/ 25
Abdomen: 5/ 20/ 15
Waist: 20/ 15
Arms: 5
Biceps: 10/ 15
Forearms: 10/ 15
Hands: 8/ 9/ 9
Legs: -8
Thighs: 24/ 30
Calves: 24/ 30
Feet: 13/ 8/ 9


1. Head- Facial Hair- Sideburns: 13/16 (Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 182)

2. Head- Facial Hair- Mustache: 10/15 (Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 193)

3. Headwear- Horns: 6/14 (Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 187)

4. Upper Body- Tops: 23/48 (Dont change 1st style) (Choose the untucked one) (1st Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 28) (2nd Color= X: 0/ Y: 0/ Shade: 136) YOU MUST ADD THE BACK LOGO DESIGN NOW, SO YOU DONT HAVE TO RECOLOR THE TOPS LAYER LATER, SO DO THE FOLLOWING NOW! Select: Logos- Designs: 34/144) (Size= Height: 30/ Width: 28) (Position= Horizontal: 83/ Vertical: 20) (Color= YELLOW)

5. Upper Body- Armwear- Arms & Wrists- Both Arms: 30/30 (Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 210) (Length: 14)

6. Lower Body- Bottoms: 40/48 (1st Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 35) (2nd Color= Doesnt matter)


YOU MUST READ THE FOLLOWING to understand how to shape the designs and where to put them.

For SIZE, positive numbers mean to extend the design that many times, negative numbers mean to shrink the design that many times.

For POSITION, positive numbers mean to move the design UP (Vertical) or LEFT (Horizontal) that many times, negative numbers mean to move the design DOWN (Vertical) or RIGHT (Horizontal) that many times.

1. Head- Tattoos- Designs: 111/144 (Size= Height: 15/ Width: -12) Rotate it once with L1 (Position= Horizontal: 23/ Vertical: -41) (Color= X: 11/ Y: 144/ Shade: 205)

2. Head- Tattoos- Designs: 111/144 (Size= Height: 15/ Width: -12) Rotate it once with R1 (Position= Horizontal: -23/ Vertical: -41) (Color= X: 11/ Y: 144/ Shade: 205)

3. Head- Tattoos- Designs: 105/144 (Size= Height: -6/ Width: -23) (Position= Horizontal: Dont move/ Vertical: -54) Color= X: 0/ Y: 158/ Shade: 201)

Crowd Signs: Your choice
Menu Screen Pose: Your choice
Abilities: Your choice
Attributes: Your choice


Name: Heihachi Mishima
Entrance Name: Heihachi Mishima
Abbreviated Name: Heihachi
Ring Announce Name: Your Choice
Commentary Name: Your Choice
Hometown: Japan
Crowd Reaction: Your Choice
Show: Your choice