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Chris Jericho
CAW by CMJericho015

Date added: 24th March 2012
Head Template: 5
Skin texture: 10/12,Color Selection 3,Shine: -4
Age: 42
Marks & Scars: 1/21- 14,149,180
Hair: 13/82- 21,150,128
Eye-type: 1- default
Eyebrows: 22/33- default
Eyelashes: 1- default
Teeth: 1- default
Head Shape:
Head: 10,-3,-3
Cranium: 0,-38,38,0
Eyebrows: -100,-48,-38,100
Eyes: 16,-36,30,-18,-18,46,-31
Nose: 60,70,14,3,-89,-12,32,90
Cheeks: -61,-21,21,-100
Mouth: -17,-100,7,-12,-97,-100,-17
Jaw: 43,-15,61,-13,13,21
Ears: 80,-87,27,16
Height: 6'2
Size: 2
Body Shape:
Neck: -100,-18,38
Chest: 34,10,4,-66
Traps: -74,-100,-38
Shoulders: -36,3,-42
Abd: -28,-18,-6
Waist: 24,16
Arms: 0,-6,0,-8,-7
Hands: -5,-5,-5
Legs: 20,4,0,4,3
Feet: 10,40,-7

Trunks: 12/52 - 0,255,0
Arms & Wrist: 10/30 - 0,255,0
Boots: 28/46 - 0,255,0
Socks: 6/13 - 0,255,0 length: 88
Knee Pads: 12/16 - 0,255,28
Entrance Attire:
Tops: 17/48 chest completely showing
Pattern: 13/15 - 0,255,255
Jacket: 6/41- All Black
Designs: 111,144(repeat twice...shrink,rotate,and move near the bottom for zipper effect)- 0,255,166
Use Paint tool/lettering for the Underwear,Kickpad,and Jacket designs

Note: When making the studs/lights paint tool it's only one straight line erased at parts making it a dashed line,then color in them light blue and white. Do not fill the background black I just did that to show the white lines.This paint tool adds the appearance of lights/studs to Jericho's Jacket and when applied they actually look like their lighting up.

P.s: He is not that shiny..when my iphone is takes a picture it messes up the contrast so don't worry he isn't albino or oiled to death it's just my'll look right when done