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Buzz Lightyear
CAW by swaddles101

Date added: 21st April 2012
Texture and Colour - Default
Age: 0

Eyes: 3/11 (1st one) Light Blue
Eyelashes: 15/15
Eyebrows: 31/33 (doesn't matter, you can't see them)

Head: 0,0,0
Cranium: 0,-59,-34,-27
Eyebrows: 100,100,84,100
Eyes: -50,100,0,-31,56,12,0
Nose: -67,-100,2,-85,-100,-36,-44,-36
Cheeks: -93,-9,0,0
Mouth: 75,-22,-72,-55,86,-100,90
Jaw: -33,-100,-22,38,-82
Ears: -100,100,100.-77

Height: As low as you can go
Size: 1

Neck: 0,0,0
Chest: -100,0,20,-30
Traps: -100,0,0
Shoulders: 16,34,21
Abdomen: -100,10,0
Waist: -41,-5
Arms: -59
Biceps: -13,-32
Forearms: -17,-1
Hands: 0,0,0
Legs: -100
Thighs: -36,-35
Calves: -24,-26
Feet: 0,0,0

Headwear - Masks 14/31
1st: 191,0,108
2nd: 191,0,109

Other: 34/47 (1st one)
1st: Default
2nd: 191,0,184
3rd: Default

Hands: 1/32 0,255,208
Arms and Wrists: 15/30
1st/2nd: 0,255,208
3rd: 82,172,196

Wrestling Tights: 1/16 0,255,208
Trunks and Underwear:
Add - Diva: 18/19 0,255,208

Knee Pads: 12/15 0,255,208

Boots & Shoes: 27/46
1st: 0,255,208
2nd: 71,57,145

Belts: 18/28
1st: 82,87,255
2nd: 81,106,255

Body Accessories: 13/38 Black

Tops: 6/48 (2nd one)
Designs are numbered look at pics 2 and 3

1. 111/144 78,112,164 on top of chest
2. 111/144 191,0,118 from nipple to black belt
3. 111/144 191,0,118 from other nipple to black belt
4. 131/144 0,0,190 on left side of chest
5. 111/144 42,0,210 above 4.
6. 135/144 170,0,252 turn upside down on middle of chest
7. 57/144 0,255,255 put on 6.
8,9,10 107/144 Put next to each other on left side of chest
8 =0,0,148
9 =83,51,86
10 =170,0,252
11. 4th letter on top, spell Lightyear and put on 5.

12. 111/144 81,115,152 on top of back
13. 107/144 191,0,105 make big on middle of back
14. 7/144 83,90,123 From top facing inward to 13.
15. 7/144 83,90,123 From top facing inward to 13.
16. 133/144 191,0,121 From 2. and 3. pointing to back
17. 133/144 191,0,121 From 2. and 3. pointing to back
18. 135/144 0,255,94 above black body accessorie
19. 135/144 0,255,94 above black body accessorie

Elbow Pad: 8/10 0,255,162
Left Arm Design: 21/144 0,255,198
Right Arms Design: 131/144 0,0,240

Crowd Signs: Bourne To Fly
Menu Screen Pose: 7/21
Hammer Throw
Outside Dives
Springboard Dives
Ring Escape

Name: Buzz Lightyear
Entrance Name : Buzz Lightyear
Ring Announce: The Spectacular Toy
Commentry Name: Cyborg
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Show: Your Choice :)

Entrance: Sin Cara
Champion Entrance: Sin Cara
Multi Entrance: Your Choice :)
Song: Search Buzz Lightyear Theme and download 1

Moveset: Even Bourne
Comeback to Daniel Bryan
Signatures: 450 Splash 2 and Standing Moonsalt 2
Finishers: Infinit Gaze* and Cliffhanger*

Thses finishers are amazing trust me:

(top rope)
Take Off 04: 50%
Dive 04: in the middle of near and far
Descent 18: Near low
Finish 25: 50%

Forward Roll Rana Clutch: 100%
Facebuster: 100%

Hoped u Liked It :)