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Brother Ray
CAW by BrunoBarros

1st Attire and basic template by Smacktalks

Date added: 6th April 2012
1st attire , body and face in video.

2nd Attire:

1.Trunks/Underwear: Default
2.Arms/Wrists: 10/30 (White)
3 and 4.Logo 105/144 (Orange) circle the arms/wrists
5.Bottoms: 33/48 (1st Color: 0,255,39) (2nd Color: Default)
6.Boots & Shoes: 40/46 (20,90,80)
7.Tops: 10/48 (Black)
8.Created Logo, "Dudley 3D" see pic , in center of t-shirt
9.Elbows: 2/10 (0,255,28)
10.Jackets: 6/41 (Default Colors)

If the video's link does not appear search for "WWE '12 Bubba Ray Dudley CAW Formula By Dre41"