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AJ Styles
Entrance by Tyga-Man

Date added: 14th November 2010
Intro- motion: Superstar 6
lighting: #8

Stage- motion: Luke Gallows
pyro: Stage Pyro 11
lighting: #8
trigger pyro when arms are all
the way up. then half-way in the
middle of the taunt trigger the
name plate

Ramp-motion: Miz
lighting: #8

Ring-In- motion:Drew Mcintyre

Ring:motion: Mike Knox
lighting: #8

Champion Entrance: Superstar 22
Multi-Title Entrance: Randy Orton
Mocie: The Miz or Christian
Music: Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Matt Hardy,
The Miz, Ted Dibiase, Aj Styles(download)