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The Hulk
CAW by calebzbleeding

Face & Body by DeZmonD

Date added: 29th November 2010
This is the easy way to make the Hulk. I'm not posting the difficult, logo-packed way to make him.
This CAW was created by me and me only. I give credit to DeZmonD for all of the face morphing except for "Head" and "Cranium".


Skin texture - 2/12
Color - Middle green
Shine - 15

Age - 100

Superstar hair - 13/77
Color - 200, 28, 55

Eyetype - 1/10
Color - 85, 105, 137

Eyebrows - 6/33
Color - 200, 30, 100

Teeth - 1/14
Color - 50, 80, 255

Face Shape ------
Head: 30, 60, 30

Cranium: 40, -35, 70, -15

Eyebrows: -75, 100, 100, 100

Eyes: -10, -25, 5, -20, -5, 0, 5

Nose: -40, -60, 0, -30, -10, -20, 40, -5

Cheeks: -20, 0, -40, 10

Mouth: -20, 20, 70, -25, 50, 80, -50

Jaw: 85, 45, 40, 55, 65, 90

Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

Height - 7'2"

Body size: 3/11

Body shape------------

Neck: -100, 100, 100

Chest: 100, 100, 100, 0

Traps: 100, 100, 100

Shoulders: 10, 100, 30

Abdomen: 45, 65, 65

Waste: 100, 80

Arms: 45

Biceps: 100,100

Forearms: 100, 100

Hands: 100, 100, 100

Legs: 25

Thighs: 100, 100

Calves: 100, 100

Feet: 100, 100, 100

Underwear - 2/16
Color - 135, 175, 64

Bottoms - 1/43
1st Color - 195, 100, 130
2nd Color - 195, 150, 140