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Randy Savage
CAW by KRadiation

Ideas used from Dr Vries 2010 CAW Formula by Ghost

Date added: 8th November 2010


Macho Man
Randy Savage

Starting Template 4

Texture & Color
Texture - 7
Skin Color - 3
Age - 50

Hair - 50
Length - 30
1st Color (0,255,20)
2nd Color (0,255,20)

Eyes - 3 Style -1
Color (170,159,138)

Eyelashes - 4
Color (15,128,30)

Eyebrows - 21
Color (0,255,0)

Teeth - 1
Color (21,241,180)

Head (20,2,4)
Cranium (-75,-100,24,-36)
Eyebrows (-50,-50,47,-8)
Eyes (-1,-32,-60,-15,35,-6,-30)
Nose (-69,-100,32,-100,-16,-9,-9,100)
Cheeks (-45,71,6,-34)
Mouth (60,-44,35,-43,30,-30,-30
Jaw (-80,20,13,-13,-16,100)
Ears (31,0,0,0)

Height - 6'2"
Size - 9

Neck (-80,10,25)
Chest (-10,-10,25,-23)
Traps (-10,0,0)
Shoulders (-45,32,-30)
Abdomen (-10,30,25)
Waist (30,20)
Arms (-8)
Biceps (0,5)
Forearms (5,0)
Hands (0,0,0)
Legs (-5)
Thighs (0,0)
Calves (0,0)
Feet (0,0,0)

Layers - Attire 1
9 - Combinations - 22/25
Color (0,255,0)
10 - Combinations - 23/25
Color - (0,255,0)
11 - Goatee - 19/23
Color - (0,255,0)
12 - Designs - 135/144
Color - (0,255,0)
Stretch so it fits over his upper lip.
13 - Design - 131/144
Color - (14,140,212)
Stretch it so it covers just his forehead and just above his eyebrow.
14 - Design - 131/144
Color - (0,255,17)
Part of his hair-line.
15 - Design - 131/144
Color - (14,140,212)
Top part of his forehead stretch it so it fits all the way across
16 - Design - 131/144
Color - (0,255,18)
Covers bald spot on the top of his head
17 - Piercings 6/22 (Style - Both ears)
Color - (0,255,133)
18 - Trunks & Underwear 1/19
Color - (155,146,70)
19 - Wrestling Tights 4/16
Color - (0,255,30)
20 - Paint Tool
Its the 3 stars on the legs
21 - Paint Tool
See layer 20 just put on other leg
22 - Arms & Wrists 9/28
Color - (0,255,50)
23 - Boots & Shoes 22/44
1st Color - (0,255,35)
2nd Color - (0,255,200
3rd Color - (0,255,255)
4th Color - (0,255,0)
24 - Paint Tool
The Arrow looking designs on the boots
25 - Paint Tool
same as layer 24 but other leg
26 - Belts 9/28
1st Color - (0,255,40)
2nd Color - (0,255,00
3rd Color - (0,255,55)
27 - Tops 7/47
Color - (13,200,60)
28 - Paint Tool
3 stars on the back of the shirt
29 - Paint Tool
Macho logo on the front of the shirt
Body Accessories
30 - Body Accessories 22/37
Color - (0,255,120)

Layers - Attire 2
8 - Hair 34/97
Length - 30
Color - (0,255,25)
9 - Combinations - 22/25
Color (0,255,0)
10 - Combinations - 23/25
Color - (0,255,0)
11 - Goatee - 19/23
Color - (0,255,0)
12 - Design - 131/144
Color - (14,140,212)
Stretch it so it covers just his forehead and just above his eyebrow
13 - Design - 131/144
Color - (0,255,17)
Part of his hair-line
14 - Design - 131/144
Color - (14,140,212)
Top part of his forehead stretch it so it fits all the way across
15 - Design - 131/144
Color - (0,255,18)
Covers bald spot on the top of his head
16 - Trunks & Underwear 1/19
Color - (155,146,70)
17 - Wrestling Tights 4/16
Color - (0,59,160)
18 - Paint Tool
Black bar down leg
19 - Paint Tool
Same as 18 other leg
20 - Paint Tool
Madness down leg over black bar
21 - Paint Tool
Same as 20 other leg
22 - Designs 131/144
Color - (0,255,255)
Back of boot
23 - Paint Tool
Tassle looking design on the back of his butt
24 - Hands 17/31
Color - (166,245,255)
25 - Boots & Shoes - 13/44
1st Color - (0,39,140)
2nd Color - (0,255,255)
3rd Color - (0,255,255)
26 - Designs 111/141
Color (0,40,160)
Over kneepad
27 - Deisgn 111/141
Color - (0,40,160)
Over other kneepad
28 - Belt 9/28
1st Color (0,255,255)
2nd Color (0,0,255)
3rd Color (0,255,150)

Layers - Attire 3
8 - Hair 38/97
Length - 30
Color - (14,160,40)
9 - Combinations - 22/25
Color (0,255,0)
10 - Combinations - 23/25
Color - (0,255,0)
11 - Goatee - 19/23
Color - (0,255,0)
12 - Designs - 135/144
Color - (0,255,0)
Stretch so it fits over his upper lip.
13 - Design 131/144
Color - (15,102,30)
Cover up Bald Spot
14 - Hands - 11/31
Pattern - 8/13
1st Color - (0,255,40)
2nd Color - (0,255,255)
3rd Color - (0,255,40)
4th Color - (0,255,40)
15 - Wrestling Tights - 3/16
1st Color - (0,255,36)
2nd Color - (0,255,255)
16 - Paint Tool
the white background with the 3 stars on the front of the right leg
17 - Paint Tool
the black background with the 3 stars on the front of the left leg
18 - Trunks & Underwear - 9/19
1st Color - (0,255,35)
2nd Color - (0,255,255)
19 - Designs 135/144
Color - (0,255,45)
Covers up the white part of the front of the recently added trunks
20 - Paint Tool
The white design covers up the black part of the recently added trunks
21 - Paint Tool
3 vertical Black Stars on the back of the leg
22 - Paint Tool
The words madness in white lettering down the back of the leg
23 - Boots & Shoes - 13/44
1st Color - (0,255,35)
2nd Color - (0,255,255)
3rd Color- (0,255,255)
24 - Design - 111/141
Color - (0,255,45)
Place over kneepad
25 - Design - 111/141
Color - (0,255,450
Over other kneepad
26 - Belts 9/28
1st Color - (0,255,50)
2nd Color - (0,255,0)
3rd Color - (0,255,90)

Layers - Attire 4

8 - Hair 34/97
Length - 30
Color - (0,255,25)
9 - Combinations - 22/25
Color (0,255,0)
10 - Combinations - 23/25
Color - (0,255,0)
11 - Goatee - 19/23
Color - (0,255,0)
12 - Design - 131/144
Color - (14,140,212)
Stretch it so it covers just his forehead and just above his eyebrow
13 - Design - 131/144
Color - (0,255,17)
Part of his hair-line
14 - Design - 131/144
Color - (14,140,212)
Top part of his forehead stretch it so it fits all the way across
15 - Design - 131/144
Color - (0,255,18)
Covers bald spot on the top of his head
16 - Trunks & Underwear 1/19
Color - (155,146,70)
17 - Wrestling Tights 4/16
Color - (0,255,30)
18 - Paint Tool
Tassles down the side of the leg
19 - Paint Tool
Same as above but the other leg
20 - Paint Tool
Tassle looking design on the butt
21 - Hands 11/31
1st Color - (0,255,35)
2nd Color - (0,255,35)
3rd Color - (0,255,35)
22 - Paint Tool
this is the design on the sleeve of the shirt
23 - Paint Tool
Same design other arm
24 - Boots & Shoes - 22/44
1st Color - (0,255,40)
2nd Color - (0,255,17)
3rd Color - (0,255,200)
4th Color - (0,255,0)
25 - Belts 9/28
1st Color - (0,255,255)
2nd Color - (0,255,0)
3rd Color - (0,255,55)
26 - Tops 5/47
Length - 0
Color - (0,255,40)
27 - Paint Tool
Mesh looking design on the front of the shirt
28 - Paint Tool
The Madness design on the front of the shirt
29 - Paint Tool
Same as layer 27 but on the back of the shirt
30 - Paint Tool
Same as 28 but on the back of the shirt