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Paul Burchill
CAW by TRenegade

Formula by Boondox

Date added: 6th November 2010
Also downloadable on Xbox Live: Search tags are : paul burchill,

Pirate - Gray

Template 1

Skin: 3 - Color: Top row, 3rd from left (shade -39)
Age: 5

Head/Face Morphing
Head: 30, 11, 3
Cranium: -3, -78, -9, 5
Eyebrows: -22, 18, 100, -35
Eyes: -5, 0, 4, -28, 17, 0, 0
Nose: -8, 20, 0, 34, 0, -6, 35, 1
Cheeks: -31, 0, 45, 0
Mouth: -3, -66, 27, -98, -10, -24, -35
Jaw: -19, 32, 11, 19 -5, 16
Ears: All 0

Body Size: 9
Height/Weight: 6'5, 250 lbs

Body Morphing
Neck: 10, 10, 10
Chest: -9, -2, 13, 47
Traps: 45, 7, 7
Shoulders: 31, 21, -9
Abdomen: 2, 27, 3
Waist: 24, 9
Arms: 3
Biceps: 1, 4
Forearms: 4, 9
Hands: -3, 1 1
Legs: 5
Thighs: 17, 12
Calves: 12, 20
Feet: 2, 8, 3

Hair: 44(22, 164, 140) Length: 10
Eye: 1(117, 206, 78)
Eyelashes: 1(11, 110, 35)
Eyebrow: 1(16, 141, 100)
Lipstick: 1(9, 129, 190)

Mustache: 9(15, 159, 154)
Combination: 25(18, 187, 104)
Mustache: 13(16, 162, 60)
Goatee: 20(18, 162, 95)
Goatee: 2(15, 130, 61)
Combination: 18(11, 182, 69)
Design: 131(Place around left eye)(11, 193, 94)
Design: 131(Place around right eye)(11, 193, 94)
Sideburns: 4(18, 166, 94)
Design: 23(At the end of the mustache)(9, 198, 124)
Design: 23(At the end of the mustache)(9, 198, 124)

Body Hair: 2(11, 160, 67)

Pirate - Tan

Hair: 44(22, 164, 140) Length: 10
Eye: 1(117, 206, 78)
Eyelashes: 1(11, 110, 35)
Eyebrow: 1(16, 141, 100)
Lipstick: 1(9, 129, 190)

Mustache: 9(15, 159, 154)
Combination: 25(18, 187, 104)
Mustache: 13(16, 162, 60)
Goatee: 20(18, 162, 95)
Goatee: 2(15, 130, 61)
Combination: 18(11, 182, 69)
Design: 131(Place around left eye)(11, 193, 94)
Design: 131(Place around right eye)(11, 193, 94)
Sideburns: 4(18, 166, 94)
Design: 23(At the end of the mustache)(9, 198, 124)
Design: 23(At the end of the mustache)(9, 198, 124)

Body Hair: 2(11, 160, 67)


Hair: 46(Color 1: 16, 188, 53)(Color 2: 22, 186, 88)(Color 3: 19, 179, 53)(20, 177, 55) Length: 10
Eye: 1(117, 206, 78)
Eyelashes: 1(11, 110, 35)
Eyebrow: 1(16, 141, 100)
Lipstick: 1(9, 129, 190)

Combination: 25(16, 204, 80)
Mustache: 15(17m 139, 134)

Body Hair: 2(11, 160, 67)


Hair: 4(28, 172, 52)
Eye: 1(117, 206, 78)
Eyelashes: 1(11, 110, 35)
Eyebrow: 1(16, 141, 100)
Lipstick: 1(9, 129, 190)

Combination: 25(17, 141, 165)