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CAW by TuxedoRay


Date added: 7th December 2010
Default: 1,2,4-7

3. Eyes: 1/orange
8. Hair: 1/21,0,255
btw, TEA'S Hair which I forgot to post is 87/17,74,83, sorry for the misspell as well

bust: 0,30,19 (see a pattern here? XD )

13. trunks/uw: 18, white
14. trunks/uw: 1/pattern: 11/1st color: 170,166,255, 2nd color: 170,0,255 (top)
15. arms & wrist: 26/length: 0/13,82,140, left arm
16. bottoms: 7/white
17. boots & shoes: 28/14,80,87
18. belts: 6

9-12: tattoo. OK, youre basically looking for 2 S's, a period,& an apostrophe. The 1st S will be stretched vertically enough to fit the 2nd rotated S on Page 7. stretch it horizontally enuff to look good. The period will land on the 1st S's beginning point (make it big enuff) & the apostrophe (11th symbol on page 1, more like an eyelash) should be rotated horizontally & to the right of the period. Hopefully the pic shows up this time for reference.

crowd signs: sexy,smart,powerful (2), jpn flag, simply marvelous
screen pose: 8
audio name: princess