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Mr. Perfect
CAW by Wizard of thay

TheBig BossNick

Date added: 29th November 2010
Also downloadable on PSN: Search tags are : wwe, Legend

Template 1

Skin: 1/12
Head: -6, 2, 0
Cranium: -36, -91 -79 -34
Eyebrows: -100 -83 -35 21
Eyes: -100 -7 32 -49 28 -33 -56
Nose: -81 -100 0 -49 -32 -96 50Cheeks: -76 42 38 -99
Mouth: 59 0 -100 -38 38 29 32
Jaw: -20 -72 0 -34 -1 -47
Ears: 0 0 0 71
Body Size:
Height/Weight: 191 cms
Hair: 52/77 colour 1 34,164,162 colour 2 41,107,36
Eye: 1/10 114,192,24
Eyelashes: Default
Eyebrow: 22/33 26,141,114
Lipstick: default
Design 1: 131/144 11,130,207 place on tip of nose
Design 2: 131/144 9,136,208 Under eye
Design 3: 131/144 9,136,208 Under other eye
Symbol: ( 10, 148, 150 place under design to emphasise shape
Symbol: ( 10, 148 150 place under other design to emphasise shape

for attire please see the excellent work by Thebig boss nick for attire at