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Montel Vontavious Porter
CAW by nexusdinasty

Date added: 9th January 2012
Hair: 56/71 second style color: 81/78/-11
Eyes: 1 / 9 color: 93/44/-22
Eyelashes: 15/15
Lips: 1 / 17 color: 96/-3/0
Texture: 2 / 12 color: 91/7/-3
Aging: 27
Knob: 12/14 color: 86/0/-100/100
knob: 9 / 14 color: 89/0/-37/73
bicote: 1 / 13 color: 90/0/-11/78
Pin: 1 / 17 color: 90/0/-22/63

head 13/-2/5
front: -9/-7/-8/9
eyebrows -100/-73/12/-75
eyes 6/-15/8/35/19/8/-4
Nose: 9/1/-9/13/10/32/59/-24
cheeks 21/9/-40/9
mouth 34/41/-13/9/-15/-47/-61
jaw: 28/-9/-3/-15/0/22

Height: 191cm
Neck: -30/-3/7
chest -13/-12/-15
shoulders -31/-19/-15
Abdominal -14/-5/-9
Waist: 5 / 8
arms: 7/-5/6
Hands: 4/3/5
Legs: 14/-2/8
Feet: 4/5/8

other garments of the head: 21/36 color: 100/-100/-100
Top: 5 / 50 second style hidden color: -100/100/12/100/11
hands: 12/16 current color
right arm tattoo symbols: 44/149 near the shoulder color: -19/-100/-100/19
right arm tattoo symbols: 44/149 move 2 times Color: -19/-100/-27/19
left arm Tataje symbols: 44/149 the same as the first layer color: -19/-100/-100/19
left arm tattoo symbols: 44/149 the same as the second layer color: -19/-100/-27/19
back tattoo symbols: 142/149 Color: -100/100/-13/100
back tattoo alphabet 1 / 17 "m" above the layer color: -25/-100/-100/100
back tattoo symbols: 142/149 Color: -100/100/-13/100
back tattoo alphabet 1 / 17 "v" color: -25/-100/-100/100
back tattoo symbols: 142/149 Color: -100/100/-19/100
back tattoo alphabet 1 / 17 "p" color: -25/-100/-100/100
Underwear: 4 / 9 current color
meshes: 1 / 17 color: -13/-100/-100/100/20
meshes: 1 / 17 color: -100/100/-24/100/16
knee: 5 / 16 color: -13/-100/-81/100
Boots: 1 / 37 average style color: -26/-100/-14
right boot logo guy 142/149 Color: 99/55/19/100
logo guy left mouth 142/149 Color: 99/55/19/100

Name: mvp
abbreviated name: mvp
Presenter: The Olympian
Source: miami, florida
Weight: 117kg
public: good
Brand: raw