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Mai Valentine
CAW by TuxedoRay

Credits to Takahashi-san & Little Kuriboh

Date added: 29th November 2010
All default: Size, Texture/Color, Type, Eyebrows, Eyelashes,Teeth
Bust: 0,30,19

Eyes: 1/191,62,255
Lipstick: 3
Hair: 90/24,159,240, Length: -58

9. designs: 111
10. designs: 111
11. desgins 111
*use these 3 designs (2 smaller horizontal lines to go around her leg, the other her deck holder) to create her deck holder she wears on her left leg in season 2 (find an image of her for an i.e.)
12. masks: 24/2nd color: 191,149,255
13. trunks & uw: 18
14. trunks & uw: 4/2nd color: white (tops)
15 arms & wrists: 21/white, length: 63
16. hands: 25 (optional)
17 bottoms: 6/1st color: 191,148,255
18 boots: 31/191,148,255
19 belts: 6
20 jackets: 20 first pic/234,0,128, entrance & cinematic ONLY

Crowd Signs: quintissential diva (3, trademark color!), Japan flag,
Menu Screen Pose: 1

Optional Name: Madame Butterfly
Abbreviated Name: Valentine
Audio: Sunshine
Hometown: japan
Cheer, Show is optional

Optional mixed tag partner: Goldust to form Golden Butterfly
Optional mixed tag partner for Chocolate Misu: Yoshi Tattsu to form Sorcerer Hunters (dont forget to make Chocolate's top flesh colored for a better match)

Entrance: I used Terri's entrance for both of my gals