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CAW by BrunoBarrosBR

Date added: 19th September 2011
Face template 1


Hair: 3

Head: 20,33,0
Forehead: 7,8,-3,-11

Face shape:
Eyebrows: -86,-89,41,100
Eyes: 0,-5,-7,-8,-11,-5,-10
Nose: 0,-8,0,10,35,0,0,-25
Cheeks: 0,0,0,0
Mouth: 0,-10,17,0,0,0,-23
Jaw: 0,0,0,-5,0,0
Ears: 15,-5,7,5


Height: 6 ft 1 in (185 cm)

Body type: 20

Body shape:
Neck: -29,26,11
Chest : 0,20,14
Shoulders: -46,12,7
Abdomem: 8,20,14
Waist : 23,-11
Arms: -7,10,7
Hands: 7,8,4
Legs: -4,8,7
Feet: 5,5,5

01: Size: 3
02: Texture e color: 3 - 90,0,0
03: Eyes tipe: 1 - 95,39,-7
04: Eyebrows: 7 - 86,0,-11
05: Eyelashes : Default
05: Lips: 2 - 97,-1,-3
07: Teeth : Default
08: Hair : 3
09: Trunks/Underwear: 1 - -100,-100,100
10: Goatee : 13 - 85,0,-100,100
11 and 12: Head logo: 142 (on both sides to form the goatee beard) - -18,0,100,59
13: Knee pads > Left Knee: 1 - 38,25,-58,100
14: Knee pads > Right Knee: 1 - 96,44,-28.100
15: Other : 23 : Style 1 - -19,-78,-17
16: Boots e Shoes: 33 - -13,-100,-100
17 and 18: Flag 6 in the Trunks/underwear (in the left e right sides) Color: Default
19:Body acessories : 12 - -4,-100,-34
20: Tatoo arms > both arms : 55 - -18,-5,-100,57

Entrance attire:
21: Tops: 11 - White

Name: Hernandez
Nickname: DEFAULT
Nickname placement: NONE
Abreviated name: Hernande
Annoucer Introduction : Your Choice
Hometown: Houston,Texas
Weight Class : Super Heavyweight (129 kg-285 lbs)
Crowd Reaction : Your choice
Show: Free agent