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Dr. Eggman
CAW by Spamming Nooblet

Date added: 30th September 2011
Some of the formula for this CAW is in the video.

ATTENTION! The video is meant to show you the DESIGN layers, and where they go. The formula for the CLOTHING and MORPHING is here, MAKE SURE TO DO ALL THIS BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO!

Templates: Any



Texture & Color: 2/12 (Color= 1/30, Shine: -35)
Age: 0

Hair- Superstar: 1/77



Eye Type: 2/10 (Dont change the style) (Color= X: 0/ Y: 0/ Shade: 246)
Eyelashes: 15/15
Eyebrows: 21/33 (Color= X: 16/ Y: 151/ Shade: 255)

Teeth: 1/14 (PRESET WHITE)


Lipstick: 2/17 (Color= X: 9/ Y: 166/ Shade: 232)


Head: 6/ 25/ 8
Cranium: -20/ 20/ -30/ 0
Eyebrows: -100/ 100/ 35/ 22
Eyes: -10/ 63/ -78/ 40/ 10/ 50/ -40
Nose: 71/ 4/ 47/ 10/ 30/ -20/ 50/ 40
Cheeks: 61/ 0/ 18/ 10
Mouth: -50/ -20/ 12/ 20/ -10/ -50/ -46
Jaw: 17/ 33/ 30/ -9/ 0/ 100
Ears: -39/ 0/ 0/ 0


Height: 6'1 (307 lbs)
Size: 11/11


Neck: -70/ 15/ 45
Chest: 55/ 90/ 40/ 0
Traps: -100/ -100/ -100
Shoulders: -15/ 20/ 15
Abdomen: -10/ 90/ 55
Waist: 95/ 35
Arms: 12
Biceps: 13/ 13
Forearms: 13/ 13
Hands: Default
Legs: -20
Thighs: -52/ -52
Calves: -52/ -52
Feet: 85/ 0/ 6


1. Headwear- Glasses: 25/40 (1st Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 150) (2nd Color= X: 0/ Y: 255/ Shade: 65/ Transparency: 0)

2. Upper Body- Jackets: 34/39 (All 4 colors for this jacket will be the same) X: 0/ Y: 0/ Shade: 172

3. Lower Body- Wrestling Tights- Tights: 1/16 (Color= PRESET BLACK) (Length= 100)

4. Lower Body- Footwear- Boots & Shoes: 2/44 (Dont change the style) (Color= PRESET BLACK)