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Daniel Bryan
CAW by The SuperCrasherâ„¢

Originally by R K O (SVR09) Pics by The ArmorGon

Date added: 13th June 2011
Ringname: Daniel Bryan
Nickname: The American Dragon
Nickname Placement: None
Abbreviated Name: Bryan
Announcer Introduction: The Bruiser or The Superstar
Hometown: Washington
Weight Class: 86 kg / 190 lbs.
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: Monday Night RAW

Hair: 17/71 (Style 2, 85; 20; 2)

*Head Shape:*
Head: 10; 0; 0
Forehead: 0; 0; 22; 0

Eye Type: 1/9 (1st Style, 13; -15; -15)
Eyelashes: 15/15 (Default Color)
Eyebrows: 13/39 (86; 15; -15)

Lips: 2/17 (96; 3; 5)
Teeth: 1/14 (Default Color)

Texture/Color: 9/12 (91; -2; 2)
Age: 29

*Face Shape*
Eyebrows: -100; -100; 0; -10
Eyes: 5; -10 or -17; -17; 20; -25; -20; -7
Nose: 10; 50; -50; 5; 0; 0; 0; 0
Cheeks: 0; -100; -9; 0
Mouth: 0; 5; -40; -15; 20; 67; -5
Jaw: 53; 10; 15; 10; -49; 15
Ears: 16; 50; 10; 5

Height: 178 cm / 5'10''

*Body Type*
Body Type: Zero

Body Shape-
Neck: -20; 10; 15
Chest: -6; -5; 8
Shoulders: -25; 10; -15
Abdomen: -10; 6; 4
Waist: 8; 2
Arms: -25; 0; 0
Hands: 0; 10; 0
Legs: -40; 0; 0
Feet: 0; 0; 0

Size: 5/9

09. Trunks & Underwear: 4/9 (First Style, -97; -11; -36 - doesn't matter since you can't see it)
10. Face Paint: 67/89 (89; 44; 45; 30)
11. Facial Hair / Combinations: 17/27 (86; -10; 11; 50 or lower)
12. Arms/Wrists: 1/21 (First Style, -20; -100; 20; 100; 09)
13. Wrestling Tights: 17/17 (Trunks - 1st Color: -97, 45, -5; 2nd Color: 100, -100, 60)
14. Socks: 1/21 (-97; -11; -37; 100; 75)
15. Socks: 17/21 (100, -100, 20)
16. Boots & Shoes: 19/37 (-97, 35, -55)

*Crowd Signs*
01. Tap Out! = Page 19/21
02. Super Roundhouse Kick! = Page 14/21
03. (That Song) stuck in my Head! = (Alt. Swagger! = Page 11/21 or ... Kicks = Page 14/21)
04. A Real American = Page 21/21 (Alts. Vintage Michael Cole! = Page 18/21 or Future World Champion = Page 13/21)