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CM Punk
CAW by paz

Date added: 30th October 2011
hair:15/71:71 0 -42
eyebrows: 1/39:black
texture&color: 12:89 0 -5
eyebrows:-100 -100 -100 - 18
eyes: default
mouth:0 30 -12 42 -3 -7 -48
and all default
sideburns:13:89 0 -100 64
combinations:2:89 0 - 100 64
mustache:1:89 0 -100 64
mustache:12:89 0 -100 64
logo face:148 very small on the combinations:90 -44 25 77
tatto arms: 137: 100 0 -100 30
tatto torso:26: 100 0 - 100 30
tatto torso:9:100 0 -100 30
the underwear you can do it yore salf